Chapter 18: Emmaline

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Aurora's POV

I couldn't contain happiness when I got the letter of Eliot being released from St. Mungo's. His girlfriend wrote it, and it was mostly saying how he was getting back on his feet and she had taken him to Paris, France for them to be alone for awhile. She sent a picture, and a key to his house for when the school year ended. Is it wrong I'm not bothered by this at all? I think they deserve this, plus so much more. I don't care if she's only like eight years older than me; I want them to get married, so, she can be my aunt. Maybe that's selfish, but I guess I'm selfish. She's literally perfect for him, loves him like crazy, and I know he loves her.

Harry and I lay cuddled in my Slytherin dorm bed early Monday morning. I love Seventh Year; no early morning classes at the beginning of the week. Thank. You. Lord. Of course we have Professor Bond later, around ten o' clock, but I can do. It's not like I sleep anyways. Harry nuzzled his nose into my neck, and whispered, "Are you okay? You've been quiet for awhile."

I shrugged, smiling. "I'm just happy... Can I ask you something totally random?"

"You say that like we actually have serious conversation about topics."

"Touché. How do you feel about couples that have age differences?" I asked.

His eyes went wide for a second, like he hadn't expected that, then went back to normal size. "I don't think love really has an age. Like Remus and Tonks. They were in love. But if there's an ninety year old man millionaire, with a twenty year old girl on his arm, then there's a problem."

I laughed at his bluntness, and we started playing with our hands. "What about you?" he asked.

I sighed, looking down, then whispered, "Like you... I don't think love has any restrictions. I mean people would think a Slytherin and Gryffindor falling in love was "a no-no" to begin with, and look where we are. But I think people can use this for being selfish, like how you said with the ninety year old millionaire and the twenty year old girl. If she really loves him, good for her, but if she's just waiting for him to die then is going to leave with his money... That's not love. You don't use the people you love."

Harry was quiet a moment a second, then said, "You know this is probably the most serious conversation we've ever had."

I laughed, and nodded, "I know, right. No psychotic mother mentioned."

We laughed again, nuzzling into each other. And it was quiet again. But not a bad silence. A good silence. The type you want to last forever, grow old in, fall in love in. "It's funny how you want things you don't have, and there's someone out in the world that would kill for you have," I said randomly.

Even though it was a whole other topic and totally random again, Harry smiled and nodded, whispering, "Tell me about it, love."


[Time Skip > A Month and A Half, Now Second To Last Week of Seventh Year]

So, this is what has happened in the past six weeks. Draco and Emmaline have started dating, and I still haven't met her. Ryan and I have gotten closer, although Harry still hates him; but he hates all my guy friends, even if he doesn't admit it. He loves me too much to stop from being friends with someone though. Teddy Lupin is living with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley -keeping them busy, at their offer- while Harry and I are finishing up with Grimmauld Place. Ginny -as much as she hates me- has started dating Blaise, who I love to literal pieces... OH! And Eliot and his girlfriend, now wife, Marie, had a small wedding in Paris, and are already expecting a baby.

Sorry, that's a lot to take in all at once, but a lot happened! I'm so excited for everything. It's almost the end of my last year at Hogwarts, my uncle and now aunt are going awesome, and even though my siblings haven't been talking with me recently, we have leads on Bard and things are getting closer to catching my mother... or, should I call her Cassthorpia, since she never really was my mother?

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