Chapter 10: Rita Skeeter

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~Death Eaters Back? Possible Revenge At Work? New You-Know-Who?~
~Rita Skeeter, The Daily Prophet~

Former Death Eater, Cassthorpia Blackburne - Lovegood - Riddle, and her accomplices, former Death Eaters Fenrir Greyback and Rodolphus Lestrange, had already made an attack on Cassthorpia's brother, Eliot Blackburne. Now there has been a second attack under her work; Kingsley Shacklebolt found unconscious and delirious in his office. A bloody gash went down the side of his face and he had been clouded with a Memory Charm, so, the details on the attack are still under critical investigation. Eliot Blackburne has been taking care of Cassthorpia's daughter - Aurora Blackburne - who left her father Xenophilius Lovegood. Along with Cassthorpia's sons. Caspian (age 19) and Asterion (age 16) Riddle. Sons of You-Know-Who in the flesh. The three siblings met on rocky terms. But it's one particular background that could be the lead for future murder.Cassthorpia's motive for the attack on her brother, Eliot Blackburne, was obvious. The attack on Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, however, still has some fuzzy details being worked out. Is this Cassthorpia's way to get revenge for her daughter's steamy, resay relationship with Harry Potter? At only eighteen, Aurora Lovegood-Blackburne already has a reputation for her violent tendencies and unsocial attitude. Young Aurora Lovegood-Blackburne is said to not have spoken from the time she was nine to fourteen. So young but even then she possessed rather strange behavior. Her unsocial manner did not block out life from cruel people that feed on weak minds, however. Draco Malfoy taunted the girl through most of her Hogwarts school career. Her behavior much resembles that of a psychopath.
Could this girl be the next You-Know-Who?
Is Aurora and Harry Potter's relationship just Aurora's way to comfort herself? Or should the Chosen One be watching his back?
Are there more attacks on the way in Cassthorpia's revenge for her daughter's love interests?
Only time will tell.


Aurora's POV


Steamy, resay relationship?

Could this girl be the next You-Know-Who?

There's nothing resay about Harry and I's relationship. Okay, maybe that one time on Christmas it got a bit "resey" but not enough to be adult or explicit. Well.... maybe a bit on Christmas Eve. But not our entire relationship. There was a picture on the front cover cropped to the shape of a heart of Harry and I the day we had made out in the snow. I was laying on top of Harry and his hands were on my legs. Were his hands on my legs? I didn't even notice! Oh my God! How did she even get a picture of that?! Oh Merlin... My cheek flushed red and I plopped back on my bed in the Slytherin Girl Dormitory.

I rubbed my hands with my face and felt like I was going to cry. How could she publish this? How could she live with herself? She publishes the most awful things about people. thirty percent of it fact, the rest crap she made up in her mind. Things that just don't need to be seen. This picture doesn't need to be exposed to the whole Wizarding World. She called me the next Voldemort. I'll never be like that. I don't deny the fact I'm not all good but I know I'm not all bad. Oh my God. I'm going to explode. I sat there in silence then in a rush of emotion threw the newspaper in the fireplace.

After awhile I sighed and decided I'd have no choice but to get up. I dressed in my Slytherin uniform then walked out of my dorm, clutching my books to my chest. When I closed the door and saw a paper with the word S-L-U-T written in black capitalized letters. "Oh, that's really lovely," I muttered sarcastically.

"Hey, Gryffinwhore! Enjoying the snow?" A boy asked, making a kiss face at me. His friends laughed and all gave the same kiss face, another flashing me The Daily Prophet. I ignored him and kept walking as if he wasn't there. I walked down the stairs and into the Slytherin common room, where there were more people laughing and showing me The Daily Prophet and "Gryffinwhore" calls. I walked out of the common room and turned, running into a few people.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"You should be," the girl snickered. "Potter should be running into you anyways."

"Real funny," I muttered, rolling my eyes as she and her friends laughed and I walked away. People are terrible. I walked to Potions class and sat at a desk. People began filling in and casually threw names at me that weren't Aurora, Rora, Rory, Lovegood or Blackburne. I made them believe it didn't hurt. But it did...

Caspian walked in and scanned the room. Immediately I had a bad feeling... Caspian noticed me and walked to me. Casper wasn't upset at all. Instead, he walked to me and, asked, "How are you doing?" I stared at him then sarcastically said, "Spectacular. Yourself?" He nodded, then said, "I know you're pretty upset about the Skeeter bitch's story... But you can't let her hurt you." I sighed and said, "I know, you're right but, it's just-"

"Gryffinwhore, onto another lucky guy, alread? Isn't that adorable?" Pansy sneered walking between us and going to walk away. "Lovegood, he's gorgeous. I would just eat him up if weren't doing that already-" In a rush Casper took her arm, stopping her from walking away and said, "Leave my sister alone, you bitch," in a deep voice of warning. The seriousness he used scared both of us, even though Pansy was trying to hide it and failing miserably. Regaining her composure and pulling her arm away without a word.

Casper looked back to me and I timidly whispered, "Thank you for that." Draco nodded and whispered, "I'm sorry if I scared you. I hate when people call you that...." I made a small smile and said, "Likewise."


For most of the day I stayed up in the Clock Tower. It's so much easier being here by myself, with no one to give me grief about myself opposed to down out there where people I don't even know call me "Gryffinwhore," or the new nickname, "Psycho (Psychopath)," thank you very much Rita Skeeter. I don't understand what I did for everyone to hate me so much. I don't expect everyone to absolutely love me but I expect to be able to walk around without getting a rude name from a stranger. If they got caught snogging their boyfriend like that, it wouldn't be wrong because their boyfriend isn't Harry Potter and their mothers are wanted Death Eaters/were married to Voldemort. I'm not like her. I never will be like her. Why does everyone expect me to be?

I tried to keep myself from getting ahead of my mind, even though my hands were trying to bend the railing that kept me from falling towards the clockwork. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me and jumped lightly. Harry nuzzled his nose into the side of my neck and whispered, "I thought I'd find you here."

"I thought you wouldn't..." I whispered back.

Harry chuckled and kissed the side of my neck, whispering, "You disappeared. Are you okay?" I shrugged, leaning my head back on his opposite shoulder, "Define okay." Harry was quiet a moment then said, "Happy." I sighed and thought for a moment. Am I happy? My uncle -the only guardian/fatherly figure I have- is in a coma due to my mother, who hates me, a picture of Harry and I snogging is out for the Wizard World to see, the Daily Prophet called me the next You-Know-Who, my sister isn't talking to me, the whole school thinks I'm insane. I chose not to say anything about what was going on in my head and simply replied, "I'm fine."

Harry obviously was convinced and kissed the right curve of my jaw. The kiss was hard and sorta clingy, like if he were to let go I would disappear. I held back onto him and kissed his cheek. Harry sighed out warm air on my neck and whispered, "Rory, I'm worried about you." I smiled and kissed Harry's cheek, replying, "You worry about me too much."

"Stop making me worry so much then," Harry retaliated. I turned in his arms, resting my hands on his chest and muttered, "That's payback for earlier. Huh?" Harry smirked and nodded, with a smug smile. We just held each other for a moment then I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead on his, gently brushing the tip of my nose on his. He shook his head and put a chaste kiss on my cheek, muttering, "You're so cute." I smiled and gently took his chin, pulling his face to mine before he would have time to pull away. He always could cheer me up. With him, one minute I'm bending iron in rage, the next minute I'm smiling and forcing him to kiss me.

I love him so damn much.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long D;
I've been really busty with school, had a really bad cold
and I'll spare you the other excuses of laziness...
So yeah... This was kinda sad but any comments on this
chapter, or ideas on where to go from here, questions, etc.
will be amazing :D
Okay. Bye ♥
-Mya ♥

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