Chapter 6: Striking a Nerve

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Aurora's POV

"Hello," the man greeted. "My name is Dustin Walker. I'm a Interrogator at the Ministry of Magic. Headmistress McGonagall would probably prefer you calling me Mr. Walker but call me Dustin. Mr. Walker makes me feel too grown up." We all laughed a bit. Everyone that had chosen to be an Interrogator at the Ministry had been told to meet in the Great Hall. In total there was about... twelve of us. Dustin seemed very nice. But we'd just been talking for three minutes so how do I know he's not an ax-murderer?

"The thing about Interrogating... Sure, you need to know the rules. You need to know the regulations you have to abide to but... it's really getting the truth out of anyone you have to get the truth from. Because sometimes... the most important things in an investigation are the things hardest to things say. Some of the people you will investigate in this job will be crazy as can be, others will think they're too smart for you. You're job is to prove them wrong. You are the one that asks the questions, you are the one that ends the conversation. Use whatever strategy you must to get the truth."

This sounds awesome.


"To think, some muggles dress up as witches and wizards for Halloween. We could just go out as ourselves."

Hermione laughed, "I think you would be a bit old for trick-or-treating."

"I'm as tall as twelve year old," I said with a frown. "During the summer a lady at the grocery store told me I was a bit young to be buying a black lace bra." Hermione and Luna covered the mouths, laughing and gasping at the same time.

Luna looked confused, asking, "When was this, exactly?"

"Mid, maybe early July? I was at the store with Eliot and he was in some Dude's Department and I was getting a new bra for the school year and the lady there told me that I was too young to be buying a black lace bra."

"Black lace bras, eh?" Draco asked smirking, and sat down next to me. "I'm suddenly interested."

"I bet you are, Captain Cheese Ball. Where the bloody hell did you come from anyways? Just a moment ago the Three Broomsticks was pretty much empty, besides us and a few Ravenclaws." Draco shrugged, "Well, I'm here now and suddenly interested so let's continue talking."

"Are you trying out for Quidditch this year, Draco?" Hermione asked.

I smirked and nodded, "I believe you did say something about Quidditch." Draco made a playful glare at me and I continued to smirk. He sighed and nodded, "Yeah, I wanted to tryout this year. But I'm only doing it if you do, Blackburne."

"In your wildest dreams, Malfoy." I muttered, taking a sip of my butterbeer. Draco shrugged, nodding, "I've had dreams about you playing Quidditch but I know how well you play and how few times you shown it."

"I didn't know you even played, Rory," Hermione remarked.

"Hermione doesn't know? You know something is wrong, Aurora. If Granger doesn't know something than it is pure proof that your talent is going to waste," Draco insisted. I shook my head, 'I'm really not that good, Draco-"

"Rora, you are quite good at the sport," Luna insisted.

I sighed, "Guys, even if I did choose to tryout for the Quidditch team there's still that fact that I'm out of practice, I don't have a broom-"

"Easily solved. I'm sure lover boy and I would love to help you practice and as in terms of a broom, I don't think there's any shortage of brooms in this castle." Luna said. I sighed, remaining silent for awhile. After a bit of thought I asked, "Would you really help me?" Draco nodded, "What the bloody hell are friends for? Besides talking about black lace bras, friends don't have much use."

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