Chapter 28: The Constellation

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Okay, so I don't do a lot of these right off the bat, but I needed to establish something that has been going on before I did this chapter. I know how I want the story to end, but I'm having a bit difficulty finding how to tie it all together and not just rush to "the good stuff." If you have any advice / ideas how you would want this to end, I would love if you shared them with me. The chapter before this was truly just a filler chapter or elaboration of Harry and Aurora's relationship and didn't really include any plot details but I hope you liked it and had enough patience to get through this one Author's Note.

Warning you, right now: this will be a long chapter.
Make sure you're comfy if you decided to tackle this one.
I hope this is good. Love you guys.

-Mya ♥


Aurora's POV

Rain. That's all I'd seemed to realize for the past several days.

The sky was gray and dim and water poured down in puddles on the ground.

Harry decided to keep the door open and let the fresh, cool air come in. I admit, I'm glad he had chose to do so. We moved the couch, and set out Teddy's baby blanket and toys on the ground. Harry played with Teddy and helped him recall animal name, colors and things babies needed to learn. I laid spread out on the ground, letting the cool air blow on my face and Teddy climb all over me, kissing my cheeks and giggling his cute little baby giggle. It was moments like this I was most happy and relaxed.

Teddy rolled onto his back and cuddled Remus, the cat trying to be gentle with the baby and the baby trying  to be gentle with the cat. While he was distracted, Harry climbed on top of me, pushed my hair out of my face and whispered, "Someone's relaxed. Tired?"

"A little ... "

" ... It's a nice day out. Why don't we take Teddy to the twins' joke shop? He'd have some fun there, don't you reckon?"

"Okay," I smiled, running a hand through his hair and kissing his cheek. "We better get dressed then."

"I suppose so," Harry whispered, kissing the corner of my mouth and climbing off of me.

"C'mon Teddy," he said picking the cat and the baby up. "We're going to the joke shop."


was the same as I remember it. The Umbridge tight-roper, the puking pastels, extendable ears, love potions and pygmy puffs. Some new inventions had been added to the selection, of course, but the laughing and the crowd was the same as ever.

"Ah, the honorable Harry Potter and Aurora Blackburne. What brings you in today?" George asked.

"Just showing Teddy around," I replied, holding Teddy a little closer.

"He's becoming quite the curious one, isn't he?" Teddy asked, making goofy faces at him.

"You could say that," Harry replied.

"Anything you two want-" George began.

"-is on the house," Fred finished.

"Thanks, guys," I replied. "You guys know you really don't have to do that."

"Oh, but we do," Fred started.

"We owe you guys," George continued, wrapping an arm around his brother, looking at him like he was looking at everything  his life consisted of.

(A/N ... excuse me while I sob hysterically ... )

"Thanks, guys," Harry smiled, walking through the joke shop.

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