Chapter 36: Quidditch and Chaos ~ Part II

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Aurora's POV

-Same Night-

Harry and I appeared at the front door of the Potter Household in half a second once we'd left Germany. The door was locked, which frightened me at first. Harry banged loudly on the door. "Teddy, open up, it's us!"

"What's my nickname?!" called from the inside.

Harry and I exchanged a look.

"Grizzly Bear!" I replied.

The door opened.

A frightened Teddy stood on the other side.

"After tonight, never say that again," he said.

I hugged him tightly, even though he was reluctant and wouldn't hug back.

"Kids! We're home!" Harry called through the house and I let go of Teddy.

"We're coming!" They called back, loud footsteps being heard from above us.

"Mum!" Albus exclaimed, crushing me in a hug.

I hugged him back, rubbing his head and kissing his forehead.

The other two ran to Harry first.

"We thought you two were dead," Lily cried on Harry's chest.

James' face paint was smeared with tears although he was silent and standing off to the side while Lily hugged Harry first. I hugged him while Harry was busy, but when I was ready to let go he wasn't. He buried his face in my neck, smearing the paint and rubbing his tears in my hair.

"We're alright, Jamie. Everything will be alright," I whispered.

"That's what Teddy said. What happened? Where did you guys go?" James asked through sobs.

"We're aurors. We make sure you guys get away from the danger and then we run towards it. It's our job," I explained, as I kissed James' forehead.

Once the kids had settled down, they asked if we could all sleep in the living room. Harry and I agreed, figuring they were disoriented and scared something would come for us in the middle of the night. While they went upstairs to change and brush their teeth, Teddy awkwardly put on his coat.

Harry turned to him, a small smile on his lips. "You did good, Ted. They were scared and you took care of them when we couldn't. I'm proud of you."

Teddy rubbed the back of his neck, looking down to the floor quietly.

"Thanks," he muttered. "I should go."

"Must you?" I asked. "They probably really want you around and we're worried about you as it is-"

"They're strong kids, they'll be okay ... I will be okay."

I nodded. "At least say goodnight to them?"

"Okay," he agreed, still not meeting my face.

Then suddenly he was hugging onto me in a tight hug. I was caught off guard but before I could even react he was pulling away and hugging Harry just as briefly. We exchanged a look, both taken by surprise and feeling sorry for Teddy. The poor thing was only twenty. He didn't deserve all this. Teddy didn't look up from the floor, buttoning his coat. Then, took a step back while the kids came rushing back down the stairs.

He hugged them and ruffled Al's hair as goodbye.

Then he was gone.

Harry and I took the floor while the kids set up blankets on the couches.

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