Chapter 11: Deception

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Okay everyone... I know it's been forever
since I updated ANYTHING or was even social on Quotev
but I was a failing a class this year and had to focus on
getting my grade up... That being said, I hope that tells
this story nor any of you guys have been forgotten. I'm
still writing this, this isn't on hold along with a few
other stories that haven't been updated either.
Okay, enough talking. Let's get to the story.

Aurora's POV

March 1st is the date all the students are to go into work at the Ministry and do a sort of "field trip" at the Ministry of Magic for an lecture in the area they want to go into. The head of each office is going to talk to us as a group and pretty much explain the expectations. Dustin has told us there really aren't any expectations. The way he explained it is to "expect the unexpected." The Ministry of Magic is one of the last places I want to be. With the picture Rita Skeeter published and almost a third of the Wizarding World in one building, going to the Ministry will, no doubt, be uncomfortable.

Thankfully I have a month. But Valentine's Day is coming up in two weeks, so, I have no way out of that. For whatever physiological reason I hate Valentine's Day. I'd rather spend it alone then celebrate a day where couples really do nothing but snog...

Hermione was at Hogsmeade with Ron, so, I was alone in the library, studying... by... myself.

"Anti-Paralysis Potion..." I muttered to myself. "Ingredients..."

I've been avoiding Draco lately because I know he's a bit mad at me for the picture. I know I should just go say hi to him and talk to him but I feel guilty. He's my best friend but he's been thinking of me as more than what I think of him. If that makes sense. What I'm trying to say is I think of him as a friend and he thinks of me as... more than that. I don't feel guilty for the picture, I feel guilty that it hurts him. Out of all the people in this world I'd love to payback for the times they've hurt me, he doesn't make the list by a longshot.

As if this boy has a telekinetic link to my thoughts Draco walked into the library. He walked to the Madam Pince's desk and whispered her a question. She pointed in the direction of a bookshelf and since I found no reason to try and hide myself my eyes followed him through the library. Draco walked and ran his fingers over the spirals over the books. He was looking for a particular one. Hmm, interesting. He pulled one out then turned around and dropped the book at sight of me. Before the book could hit the ground, I waved my hand quickly muttering, "Wingardium Leviosa," and held it in the air just below his knees. He was too stunned to bend down and picked it up so I walked to him and picked it up for him.

"Careful," I said. I opened the book and showed him Madam Pince's warning; "A warning: If you rip, tear, shred, bend, fold, deface, disfigure, smear, smudge, throw, drop, or in any other manner damage, mistreat, or show lack of respect towards this book, the consequences will be as awful as it is within my power to make them. Sincerely, Irma Prince, Hogwarts Librarian." I smiled a wicked smile and continued, "She's kinda serious about books."

His wide eyes and panicky breath was such a confidence boost for me after all the times he had done something to me, left me standing there like an idiot and gotten away with it. I closed the book and read the title. Drafts of Dreams. My eyes shifted to look at Draco even though my head was tilted down. "You can't sleep? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't think you would of much help in this situation," Draco snapped, snatching the book back once he could speak. "You're obviously pretty busy helping Potter sleep."

"You're really going to be like that? Back to the prat rich boy?" I asked anger dripping off my words. When he said nothing I nodded and said, "I'm sorry about that picture. I never wanted-.. But-... What am I suppose to do? It's Rita Skeeter. More than half of her viewers idolize her and those who don't only read her bull to make sure they're not in it."

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