Chapter 35: Quidditch and Chaos ~ Part I

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I'M UPDATING SOMEONE POP THE FREAKIN CHAMPAGNE!!!!!!!! Also ... in the book, I'm a little saddened to say, I kinda sorta accidentally went off the storyline and Scorpius is 4 years older than Albus. Let's pretend that didn't happen and keep going :)

Aurora's POV

The kids were half way through their summer vacation already.

Lately Albus had been getting quieter and more avoiding of both and I, which I had seen little reason for, despite the daily arguing between Harry and Albus. I hate pointing out the fact, but it's quite obvious I'm usually the favored one in Albus' mind whereas Lily and James favor Harry.

This year Harry, I and the kids were invited to the Quidditch World Cup. For 2018, it was held in Germany. Something the boys (Harry, James, Teddy, Ron, Hugo, Fred, George, Mr. Weasley) and Rose had been utterly raving about.

Lily wasn't so much into Quidditch. She liked it, but she was more involved with 'girl things.' Which I didn't judge her for ... a teenage girl likes anything pretty. Lily was, however, interested in Germany, therefore agreed to come rather than staying with Grandma Molly (Mrs. Weasley).

"Germany!" James exclaimed happily. "What's it like, dad, have you ever been?"

Harry smiled. "I'm sure you guys will love it."

The kids ranted on and on, Albus walking alongside them with his head hung.

I made note to watch him throughout the trip ... just in case.

Harry's hand touching mine, distracted me and I looked away from Al.

"Excited?" He asked.

"Very," I smiled. "I still love Quidditch."

"We wouldn't still be married if you didn't like Quidditch," Harry joked.

I laughed. "I miss it honestly."

"Me too. Playing up against Slytherin was always the highlight of the season."

"It was fun ... "

Harry nodded, squeezing my hand a little.

"Hogwarts really was home."

We avoided speaking of school anymore after that point.

It made us feel homesick, thinking about what we had grown out of from that beautiful and magical place.

"So, what do you say we take a trip to Berlin sometime?" he asked. "When the kids have gone to sleep?"

A small grin spread on my face. "Mr. Potter, are you asking me on a date?"

"Trying to," he smiled, lifting my hand his lips.

I smiled back. "I would love that."

We treaded to the Portkey, later accompanied by the Weasleys -Hermione and Ron's children, George, Angelina and their children, Fleur, Bill and their kids.

Ron and Hermione were some of the first people to arrive. Ever since Hermione became Minister of Magic, the kids have been spending more time with their father or their grandparents (Mr. and Mrs. Weasley). The Granger-Weasley children stayed in the same tent as Harry and I, along with our own kids. Rose and Albus were rather ... friendly to each other ... Regarding how Al isn't exactly "close" with anyone other than Scorpius Malfoy. Hugo and Lily played a game of wizard's chess, while James and Harry put bets on the winning teams. Teddy managed to disappear sometime between putting our bags down and walking into the tent.

Although I was worried, finding a Metamorphogus in a gigantic crowd of people was practically next to impossible.

I found myself nervously playing with my hands. Harry noticed.

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