Chapter 17: Training

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Aurora's POV

It's Mid-April, we've been back in school for a week now and the school year has been getting interesting. The Auror Department got Harry and I exempt temporarily from school, so, we could continue the investigation on Bard Mansion. His great-great-thousand-greats grand-son Ethan Wakefield is a rich mansion millionaire at seventeen, living in Yorkshire, England. Kingsley got us an auror team, with Dustin included, to check out Bard mansion, take out any Death Eaters, and, if lucky, their leader. According to Dustin, they caught three Death Eaters, and Ethan Wakefield, who I am most curious about, but my mother vanished before they could catch her.

Harry and I finished getting  with our backs turned to each other. "Why did you chose to be an interrogator?" Harry asked.

I sighed, and answered, "I want good people to stop doing bad things. Why did you chose to be an auror?"

"Same reason actually," he replied. "You think your mother is a good person, don't you?"

I was quiet a moment, taken back by the question. "She's done bad things but-.... no...."

"That's why you chose this? Isn't it? So, she could understand even good people make bad decisions?"

I was surprised he had caught onto all this.

Not waiting for me to answer, he asked, "Are you nervous?"

"Am I ever not nervous?" I retaliated. He knows me too well to ask something like that.

"...Rory... this is your mother we're talking about. Yes, she's done awful things, and she needs to be away from hurting anyone else. But as much pain as some people cause you, you have a tendency to love them regardless of how they treat you," he muttered.

That was when I was suddenly glad our backs were turned to each other, so, he couldn't see how that had gotten to me. It was true. Maybe he knows me too well, on second thought... He must not of needed to see me to know how that had hurt because he was then turning me around, and hugging me. He was shirtless, and I still had the button open on my jeans mid-way done dressing myself but he obviously didn't care at all.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"It's pretty easy to pick up, if you're talking you're doing one of the three things; overthinking it all, having a break down, or crying inside. Sometimes I just need to hug you to pull you out of it," he whispered, stroking my hair.

I stood there shocked a moment, then sighed resting my face on his neck. "Have I ever told you how much I love you, Harry James Potter?"

"Yes, a thousand times, but I don't mind hearing it."

"Good, I love you," I said with a laugh.

"A thousand and one," he laughed. "And I love you too."


The students who received a job at The Ministry of Magic go to the Ministry each Saturday morning on the weekend, and return Sunday afternoon. Since I am one of the students, along with the Golden Trio, and Draco, we start this routine today. We all ate breakfast with a bit of a nerve-wracking silence. This was going to be one of the first official days at the Ministry of Magic. What if one of us messed it up? Like... big time? I don't exactly have a record for being perfect in every situation. I sure as hell don't want to mess this up...

"Blackburne," said Dustin arriving out of nowhere. "Good luck today."

I made a smile, and replied, "Thanks."

As he walked away I felt my smile drop, and laid head my down on the table like I could predict the world exploding. "I know how you feel," Draco muttered, rubbing my shoulder in trying-to-help-me but knowing-he's-no-better way.

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