Chapter 27: Potter

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Aurora's POV

My night began with a nightmare.

As it usually did, nowadays.

I was running through the Forbidden Forest, rain pouring on me and dragging my clothes down to the muddy ground. Looking down at my clothes, I saw a silky white dress, with a v shaped neckline and spaghetti straps. I was shivering and could see my breath coming out as smoke. There was something about the way the night looked -perhaps it was the full moon lulling into the blackness of the thick clouds, or, the way the trees all seemed to be swaying towards me and back- but there was something eerie about it all. I wriggled my way between the trees and ajar branches, some scratching me while doing so. Howling took place in the background, somewhere close but not to whereas they would be here any second. I crouched down low, trying to hide myself in the dark of the bushes and wild plants. There was another howl, much louder and only seconds before I turned around to face a werewolf.

Then I woke up.

Surprisingly, I did not jump waking up. My eyes opened and I found myself oddly calm. Like so much worse was yet to come, therefore it was pointless to fear now. Tired, and wishing I was still asleep, I began to think what may be worse than a werewolf eating me alive; my mother was the first outcome I thought of. Storming in with her Death Eaters and hurting the only two people I had left was definitely an outcome worse than being eaten alive by a werewolf.

Trying not to wake up Harry, I got up from the bed and moved to Teddy's room, down the hall. Looking into his crib, I couldn't help but smile. He was wide awake, rocking on his back from left to right, left to right. He was sucking on his finger, and looking up at me with wide hazel eyes. His hair though, he had changed to a baby blue shade. I picked him up and cradled him close to me.

"La, la, na, na, na," he said loudly.

"What do you want, honey? How can I help you?" I whispered, kissing him on the forehead.

"Wa, wa, mwa, mwa, mwa," he said gently holding a fist full of my hair.

"Are you tired, baby?" I asked as he yawned really loudly, and his eyes began to shut. "Do have trouble sleeping at night, too? Well, you got that from your father. Another way you too are so alike."

He made more quiet baby noises, then in a matter of seconds was fast asleep. I set him back into his crib, trying not to wake him up, then walked back to bed.

I hugged onto Harry's arms, feeling like I should hold him a little closer now.


The next morning I woke up tired and groggy, and painfully familiar with the aftermath of my insomnia. Usually I would start my morning with a cup of tea. But today I went straight for the coffee. I made a fresh pot, this way should Harry want some, he could have some. My eyes felt like lead just opening them and my face seemed to dragged down in bags under my eyes.

"Rough night?" Harry asked.

"You have no idea," I replied.

​Harry managed a small smile, like he had bet all his money he really didn't really have an idea. He's explained to me before how restless he was during our fifth year, a time when Voldemort was tampering with his head and everything around him.

"Coffee?" I asked, taking a gulp from my own mug.

"Sure," he smiled, taking a mug down from the cupboard, and holding it out for coffee. I filled it up.

"Can I ask you a crazy question?" He said randomly. "Like a brutally crazy question?"

I swallowed another sip I had been taking of coffee, then nodded cautiously. " ... Shoot."

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