Chapter 2: Seventh Year Awkwardness

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Aurora's POV

Harry was waiting for me the next morning outside of the Slytherin common room. I smiled, walked to him and Harry took my hand, kissing the top, "Good morning." I smiled, replying, "Good morning." We walked through the corridors, talking about random things and the party on Friday. Harry had asked some of his friends in Gryffindor, most of them agreeing to come but that was about it.

"We should be getting our timetables at breakfast."

"If we have any classes together I won't learn a thing." Harry smirked, kissing my cheek.

"How much time do you spend coming up with cheesy lines like that?" I laughed.

"Eh... enough..." Harry said laughing but in regretful tone.

"Aw, you two are just adorable." Blaise teased walking next to me.

I teased back, "Screw off, Zambini. I'm sure Parkinson is looking for you." Blaise sighed, "Don't remind me." Blaise pointed his two index fingers at Harry as he walked away, "Take care of her, Potter."

"Will do." Harry shouted back. I shook my head, "Everyone says that like something bad is going to happen."

"I noticed too, right?" Harry laughed again, making me laugh. Harry and I walked into the Great Hall, sitting at the Gryffindor table. If anyone has noticed we close to never sit at the Slytherin table. Mostly because everyone there has something not-so-pleasant to say about us being together or Harry and I in general. Why seek out trouble when it comes all on it's own?

The timetables were handed out and ironically mine was the same as Harry's last year. That won't happen more than once... "Well," Harry began, "we have Monday Potions and DADA together and Friday Transfiguration together." I smiled and Harry's cheek. This was better than nothing. We would see each other in the time between when we had free time but last year we didn't really see each other at all.

This was a lot better...

After eating breakfast and a repeating-first-year student's attempt to make two candles grow arms and dance together, Harry and I walked out of the Great Hall and hugged each other goodbye. "See you later?" Harry asked. "Yeah." I said, giving him a peck on the lips. The minute I pulled away, I saw Harry standing there with his eyes closed and a smirk on his face. After less then two seconds he opened his eyes and said, "I love you."

"I love you too, Captain Cheesy." I teased. Harry laughed and kissed my lips back then we walked away. The astronomy teacher resigned when Dumbledore died so our new teacher's name is Romulus Bond. He wasn't there last night for the beginning-of-term feast, so nobody met him until today. Turns out he double-majored in Astronomy and Defense Against The Dark Arts so guess what else he's teaching...

Half of the girls here fancy him. Pansy Parkinson is already obsessed with him. The poor guy. She had her class with him during breakfast and couldn't stop talking about him and his "magnificence." His first day and he's going to have girls stealing his quills just to return them to him.

Draco caught up with me and asked, "Are you going to Astronomy class?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Same," Draco smiled. "Can I walk with you?"

"Like you should have to ask."

"Aurora, you act like I've done so much for you but you seem to be forgetting you've saved my life more than once." Draco said raising an eyebrow. I smiled, "Draco, I think we've tied times we saved each other's lives. What are friends for anyways? I'm not about to let my best friend die."

"Same, Blackburne." Draco smiled.

I shook my head, making a laugh, "I am loving your positive attitude lately." Draco looked down at his feet, a small smile on his face and walked a bit slower, "What do you mean?"

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