Chapter 38: The Boy

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Third Person's POV

Aurora and the kids rushed the boy to Saint Mungo's that very evening. While the doctors rubbed herbs and administered potions to him, she watched from the doorway. She should've been nervous. Well, she was nervous. But so many people had claimed to be her's. So many people, just for the laugh of fame and torment, had pretended to be him. Now here stood another imposter, another possible fake claiming to be her son. And yet he was the only one who could ever claim to be named Nathan. This was no coincidence. She knew of it. Aurora worked for the British Ministry of Magic as an auror and professional interrogator. You'd think she'd be able to figure this out. Honestly, she didn't trust herself to "figure this out." How could she? How could she trust herself in such an emotionally dire situation?

How could she believe this boy, who literally came walking out of nowhere, out of the storm- a blizzard!? Sure, the kid had guts, enough to risk his life and freeze of hypothermia, and he was one of the best performers she'd ever seen but ... how could she trust anything then? Despite her swirling head, and the pale complexion of her skin, her eyes never left him. She leaned up against the doorway, cautiously and quietly observing him from a distance. Every once and awhile he glanced back at her, a hopeful look in his blue eyes. Aurora immediately speculated he got them from his grandfather. Then shook the thought from her mind and turned her head.

Harry Potter came bursting from thin air with large pop!; he ran through the hospital, green eyes wide and black hair tousled and at first sight of Aurora, he took off to his family. Although his wife was half in the door and half out, his children sat on a bench outside the room. They appeared nervous but nowhere near as nervous they had been the first time this happened. Then it was just a blood test, not hypothermia. Harry's eyes were averted to the bed as he met Aurora at the door.

"Is that him?"

Aurora nodded.

"Is ... is he ... ?" Harry trailed off.

"I don't know."

The two stood in silence for some time.

Harry started analyzing him the second he saw him. He had his grandfather's blue eyes and the Blackburne family's good looks. Harry could see his nose and his face in the boy, as well as the boy's skinny stature. Harry was quite ready to say this was his son. As was Aurora. But the two remained quiet.

Wolf had been cried far too many times ...

Harry rubbed his face and turned back to his wife. "Did you eat dinner?"

Aurora shook her head. "I'm not hungry," she said.

"Did they eat dinner?"

"Yeah, I got them some fast food on the way here."

Harry nodded.

He should've known she wouldn't eat in a time like this.

"Do you want anything to drink?" he asked, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'll just get some water later, babe. I'm okay."

Harry didn't believe her but he didn't fuss anymore. He pulled her out of the room for a brief second and the two went on a walk throughout the hospital halls. There was so much to say.

"Y'know, love ... " Harry began, taking her hand, "that could be our son in there."

Aurora nodded.

That had occurred to her once or twice.

"What if ... what if that's him?" Harry asked.

Aurora looked to Harry. His green eyes were swelling with hope. Aurora suddenly recalled Harry never getting to see their baby. Nathan was gone just a moment too soon and Harry was there a minute too late. Of course, he would be the most hopeful.

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