Chapter 16: Spring Breaks

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Aurora's POV

He hates me. I couldn't hate him even if I wanted to.

I don't understand why I care as much as I do. He told me very directly that I was pretty much a disgrace to the family, and shouldn't come home anymore. That's enough of a hint for me for me to understand that I'm not welcomed... I've been kinda edgy lately ever since Luna told me about the accident. She said that he was off "exploring," or, whatever he does, and was found spitting out blood, and bruised in the middle of a muggle interstate. Luckily, some other magic folk found him, and took him to St. Mungo's before he lost too much blood.

"Luna, I why would I hurt him!" I shouted firmly.

"Every time something happens it leads back to you and our mother! He hurt you now you're trying to hurt him back!" Luna shouted back.

"Luna! Yes, I'm mad at him for what he did to Cassthorpia and I, but I've got nothing to do with this! I would never hurt him for what he did!"

"Yeah, right! You know, without you at home things were easier, and there wasn't as much fighting! I didn't have to worry about coming downstairs, and finding you and dad at each other's necks again! Time over time that happened, then you leave and live with Harry, and it's like we're missing something he doesn't miss," she snapped. I froze. He doesn't miss me? Sure, I had thought about it. I mean, it's always at the back of your mind when you leave the only parental figure you've ever had. But having it verified without a hint of sympathy by my sister hurt more than having it verified by him.

I nodded, taking a step back, and muttering, "...Well, I guess I'm one less thing to worry about for you guys..." Luna looked she was struggling to keep a straight face, and remain angry at me, but at the same time trying not to burst into tears. I glanced at dad, unconscious on the bed, and turned around walking out of the hospital room with slam of the door.

Harry caught me outside the hospital, rushing up to me and asking, "Rory, what happened?"

"What do you mean?" I asked in a shuttering voice.

"You're crying, I assume that doesn't mean tears of happiness after seeing your family-" I continued to walk, and Harry gently took my arms, stopping me where I was, and raising one hand to my cheek to wipe the tear. "Hey, what happened?" I opened my mouth a little bit to speak, but ended up closing it again, and my head falling to rest on his chest. He quickly caught me, wrapping his arms around me, as I let myself fall into him, and tried to calm me as I cried. He stopped asking why I was crying, and instead just tried to stop it from continuing.


I laid on the couch, a blanket draped over me, and a steaming teacup on the table next to me. Harry hadn't asked me to elaborate on why I totally had a meltdown at Saint Mungo's but he was respecting the fact that I probably didn't want to talk about it. He understood it was one of those rare things I had to bottle up and keep to myself, or, I might start crying again. Reliving bad experiences do that to me for some reason...

On a happier note, I got a job at the Ministry for Interrogation. But since I went into interrogation, I need to be training in the Ministry for the Auror Department now. Oh, well. Harry and I can be together, and it's what I wanted to do, but at the same time, it's a lot of training and a lot to handle. All the aurors got their test results back yesterday: Harry and Ron both past their tests. I'm happy for him. But I'm kinda having a hard time showing it... Luna and dad-... ugh, what the hell. He is my dad.

Luna and dad put me in a sorta mood, and now I'm having a hard time being happy about really anything lately. Harry was ecstatic for me. I remember how he had hugged me, and showed how much he loved me, and showed me how much he supported me in my choice, and made sure I had known had well I had done, and everything a boyfriend- a girlfriend -is suppose to do.

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