Chapter 21: Moms

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Aurora's POV

Eliot and Marie invited me to come her baby shower. But had intentions of simply celebrating the baby, and giving fits to the mother. A guest there would my grandmother --who I've never met before... I wondered what she wanted with me. Me, of all people. I'm the most wanted criminal of the decade's daughter, who also happens to be her daughter. Many questions swarmed me at once. But I have no idea what to expect...

Eliot and Marie led me up the stairs. Marie had insisted on coming, even though we try to sway her out of it. She was so swollen and her waddle was becoming so heavy, she often tips to one side and can't tip back. But the pregnant woman wants what she wants when she wants it.

After tackling the steps, the couple led me down the hallway to the third door on the left.

"Maybe you should go in by yourself," Marie encouraged. "She wants to talk to you, after all."

I looked at her unsure, but received two motivational nods from the two of them. Releasing a shaky breath of anxiety of knocked on the door, and waiting for permission to come in.

A soft voice rang from the other side. "Enter."

Eliot and Marie walked away and left me standing there nervously. I twisted the doorknob and walked in. An old woman sat in a wheel chair, clothed in thick clothing, and two blankets were draped over her lap.

She did radiate a fragile and delicate feeling. But, maybe, by the way her pointed jaw was still distinct under pale, aged skin and green eyes were full of life, there was a stronger sense to be felt at the same time.

"Aurora," she greeted. Her voice was soft but clear. "Lovely to see you. Do you go by Aurora, or, have you changed it to something else?"

"I still go by Aurora," I replied, walking deeper into the room and shutting the door behind me.

"You have never changed it?"

"Never found a good reason."

"Perhaps, now you will," she said with a small smile. "Sit down. Make yourself at home."

I cautiously took a seat on the bed she had gestured to. I hesitated before asking, "Um... If you don't mind me asking... why have we never met?

"You can thank your father for that," she answered in a sharper but nonchalant tone. "He thought any signs of your mother would delay him in his attempt to grieve for her and let her go."

"He's not my father," I said, looking down.

"...Interesting," she said looking at me. "You refuse to claim them as parents anymore but keep their name. My dear, what are hiding from?"

I was taken aback by her question. But didn't let her know. Not all of my experience with "family" has gone well. I have to be careful.

"I guess... I've always been the black sheep in the family. But I have always tried to please my dad because he's all I ever had. I think I'm more... avoiding it that hiding from it."

"Avoiding what?"

"... Letting my dad down any further," I muttered.

I was careful not to say anymore. She looked at me like she expected me to elaborate. And when I didn't, she nodded in an understanding way.

"You think I'm like Cassthorpia?" She asked.

I said nothing.

"I can't blame you. I am her mother. But she wasn't always like that. She became this was veryearly in life. Around her fifth year in Hogwarts she met The Dark Lord. He gave her a spell to remain young. She started failing her classes, erasing teachers' minds, so, they wouldn't remember her being there. She was afraid of growing up. Then, she met Xenophillius Lovegood. With him she an alibi for herself and had you and your sister. But she was in love with Tom. She left you because she was too selfish to put her children before herself."

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