Chapter 33: Much More

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Third Person POV

Harry James Potter woke to see his puffy-faced fiancé sitting at the end of his hospital bed. She had fallen asleep sitting up and her head now tipped to the side every so often fighting her exhaustion. Draco Malfoy entered the room, wearing his doctor's robes and a tired expression on his face as well. "Aurora, come on," he said, effortlessly picking her up bridal style and setting her gently in the chair. "Get some sleep, you've been at it for days."

A little part of Harry didn't like seeing Draco holding her but the way he said at it for days made him not so upset anymore. How long had he been out? It felt like moments to him. Seconds even. Was it that much longer? Was it really days? Draco covered Aurora with a soft gray blanket. She muttered something about having to stay up, something like 'he could wake up.' Then her eyes fell and sleep took her quicker than she could fight it anymore.

Draco turned. He didn't seemed surprised to see Harry staring back at him. "You're awake," he began calmly. "How do you feel?"

"Fine," Harry said shortly.

"Do you need anything-?"

"What happened to Aurora?"

Draco paused.

"Nothing. She's just been with you restlessly. Hasn't eaten much, hasn't slept much, just a wreck as usual ... " Draco sighed looking over at her.

A part of him had never really stopped thinking she was beautiful. Even a sobbing mess over another man, she was beautiful to him. But he didn't tell Harry that little tidbit.

Harry sighed a little too. "How long have I been out?"

"Five days," Draco replied.

"Five- five days?" Harry stuttered in disbelief. "I didn't miss anything did I?"

"Just another Death Eater attack in Little Winging."

"That's where I'm from," Harry said alarmed. "So what you're saying is I've missed loads."

"P-" Draco stopped himself almost called him Potter. Then began again. "Harry. You can't go chasing after Death Eaters still recuperating from a near Demetors Kiss and the Cruciatus Curse. Your body needs time to heal-"

"Isn't there something you can give me?" Harry asked impatiently.

"There is but that's also why it's called the Cruciatus Curse, because it's hell what it does to you," Draco said.

Harry didn't fight it anymore.

"Even magic has its limits," Draco said finally.

Harry hesitated, running a hand through his sweaty hair. "Can I, at least, take a shower?"

"Of course," Draco said. "I have other patients to take care of anyways. But do take it easy, your body will be sore."

Draco offered to help Harry out of bed, Harry politely refused. He could've let him have it for all that time at Hogwarts when he had aimlessly tormented him, but Harry chose to just let him leave. Afterwards Harry regretted it. Draco was right. He was sore. More than sore. His muscles ached with newfound and unfamiliar aches. Harry barely made it to the bathroom, his legs throbbing with undescribable pain. He had almost made it but one leg more sore than the other gave out on him and he came crashing down with a thud! onto the bathroom floor.

Aurora jumped up instantly.

Aurora's POV

There was a thud!

And an then an loud ow!

I woke up with a start, my tired face feeling pulled to the floor. This, however, did not stop me. My eyes darted to Harry's bed. No Harry. My heart sped up, my breath elapsing drastically.

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