Chapter 15: Eventually

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Aurora's POV

Draco passed his Healer simulation, and would now have an open space at the Ministry of Magic with his name written all over it. I was so happy for him. He wanted this so badly. He didn't want to be like his father, he wanted to help people. And this was his way of doing so. Deciding to be a good friend, Hermione and I Disapparated to the front of his new apartment, and knocked on the door. The two of us had made a  for him, hoping that it would cheer him up. Lately all of us have been getting along really well, but beside the times I help Draco with sleep -sometimes in the company of Hermione- he's been off. Hermione magically hung a banner that said "Congratulations" on it, while I started blowing up balloons.

We were near almost finished, and the door suddenly opened. We froze, not prepared for the arrival, and Narcissa sheepishly walked in. My face went flat. I had recently had some resentment towards her. Lucius and her are in the heat of a divorce, and she begins sleeping with the Bulgarian Quidditch team Captain. I understand she's going through a rough time and needs some "emotional support" or whatever. But, one, she's looking for it in all the wrong places, and, two, making Draco feel like his father doesn't even matter to her is not fair to him. She bit her lip sheepishly, seeing that I obviously knew what she had done to my best friend. "Do you think I could help?" She asked in a quiet voice.

I hesitated a moment. "...Why not?"

She made a tiny sheepish smile then walked inside. She began helping me dress the table for display, sort of, while Hermione did the decorations around the room. With Hermione far from hearing us, she whispered, "Aurora, I appreciate letting me help-"

"The only reason you're here is because Draco can't lose his mother, let alone would it be fair if I made the decision for him whether or not he was going to keep his mother in his life," I growled.

She nodded and whispered, "Sorry... I understand you're upset with me about what I did but-"

"No," I whispered in a snappish tone. "You don't do that to people."

She was quiet.

"Let's all be happy for him. The last thing he needs it to come home and see you and I arguing," I whispered. When we were ready we were all just waiting for Draco to be here. We were a few minutes ahead of schedule.

The door opened and we all shouted, "Congratulations!"

His eyes went wide and he smiled, asking, "What the bloody hell is this all about?"

"We would like to congratulate you, Draco Malfoy, for passing your test!" I said in a posh voice.

Draco smiled in disbelief and ran to me, hugging me tight, and swinging me around.  "I can't believe you did this for me," he exclaimed excitedly. He hugged Hermione too, then when he went to hug his mother he paused for a second. He was debating whether or not to hug her. He slowly wrapped his arms around her in a hug, her face a bit hurt, and relieved at the same time.

When they pulled away from the hug it was quiet, and awkward for a bit, but I quickly changed the subject. "Hermione and I made the cake, and all three of us decorated the house. Red velvet, it's your favorite," I sing-songed the last bit, offering him a plastic fork.


Harry and I Disapparated to Bard Mansion.

"Aurora, are you sure about this-?" Harry asked, but stopped dead in his tracks when a group of Death Eaters -of sort- appeared right in front of the mansion door. I rose an eyebrow, looking at him with the, You were saying? face. He smiled, and replied, "Never mind." We watched from behind some sculpted bushes, watching them greet the guy who stood at the door, and give him the password, so to speak, verifying they're Death Eaters.

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