Chapter 9: Casualties

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Aurora's POV

Harry, Hermione, Ron and I went back after the holiday. Ron and Hermione haven't really been talking to Harry and I since Christmas Eve but they haven't said anything to anyone else either. Thank. Merlin. When they came in I only really would of felt guilty if that was Draco... I wouldn't of been able to take it if he had to have his heart broken. I'm not saying this to be arrogant and think that everybody adores me but I know how Draco feels and... it would hurt him... If found out that Harry and I were only about two bases away he would breakdown. Probably like I did when I found out Harry was dead. That hurt more than anything... First day back I was up early, oddly.

Deciding not to go back to sleep I took an early shower. For unfathomable reasons I enjoy putting the water as hot as I can get it. I think my mind is trying to build up a tolerance to hot water or something. Stripping off my pajamas, I stepped under the water and let the steaming water pat on my back. I got my hair wet, then doused it with some honey shampoo and conditioner. With conditioner I rinsed and repeated. Turning the handle the water shut off and I wrapped a fluffy towel around my body. In the mirror I had lost weight and I looked bony now.

I hadn't really paid attention to eating that often when I was running around with Harry, Hermione, Ron and Draco. Trying to put the thoughts of insecurity away, I dressed in my Slytherin uniform, dried my hair with the blow dryer, curled it, and put some skin tone foundation to hide the scar on my stomach from Bellatrix Lestrange's knife. I don't know why I hide it. It may just keep me from thinking about a sad time for the Wizarding World. If the scar is gone the bad memory is too...? I don't know.

I walked down the stairs into the Slytherin Common Room and stopped. "Aster, you're a dick!" a girl screamed at my brother. She was straddling his lap shirtless and he was shirtless as well. "You can almost sleep with me but you can't say I love you to me?" I crouched down behind a chair, hiding from his sight. Aster tried to pull her back, retaliating, "Lorrie, calm down. Just because I can't say... that... doesn't mean I don't." I rolled my eyes, thinking, You idiot... She cried, pushing him away, putting her shirt on and running up the stairs. Aster didn't even try to stop her. I stood up infuriated and asked, "What exactly was that?"

He jumped a bit, surprised by my appearance and asked, "How long have you been there?"

"That's really the first question you ask me? Your eighteen year old sister was about to let you get lucky, Aster. I don't think that's relevant," I said. He rolled his eyes and I sat next to him asking, "Did you mean that?" Aster glanced at me and asked, "What?"

"Did you mean what you said? Do you care about her?" Aster didn't hesitate to say, "No." I sighed, the hit him in the back of the head. "What was the bloody hell was that for?!" He shouted. I casually answered, "Piece of advice from your female sibling; the other gender does not take lightly being lied to. You were about to sleep with her which means you've been lying longer than just now. This is not how you make a relationship you plan to work with."

"What if I don't want a relationship?" Aster asked. I hesitated a moment, then said, "Then you're never going to have what you want. If there's no reason to try they don't. You're not stupid and you don't have a stupid 'type.' You need to make a good choice here-" "I get you're trying to help me, Rory, but just leave me alone!" Aster shouted. "Go away!"

I sat there for a moment coming to realize he was screwing me off and nodded, saying, "Fine," I stood up and turned to him, "Be alone the rest of your life for all I care. Don't listen to the people that are trying to help you. Do you own thing your own way and when you need help out of your own grave don't come looking for me." Aster paid no attention to me as I walked out of the Slytherin Common Room and left him by himself.



"Not nearly fast enough, Rory!" Draco shouted from across the Quidditch Pitch.

I sighed, groaning and shouted back, "Give me a break, Malfoy!" He laughed and had me chase him again. If I could out-fly him I could out-fly the other chasers. We would play Ravenclaw next game. I zoomed to the left really fast, Draco too fast and in-shape with Quidditch so he zoomed to the left a half a second before I did and tagged me.

I groaned and said, "I was so close."

"Yes, but not close enough," Draco taunted, flying around me in a circle like I'm him prey. I rolled my eyes, replying, "Yeah, yeah, I know, don't rub it in, Speed Demon." Draco made a laugh and smirked, saying, "Speed Demon? That's a... creative name." Draco wiggled his eyebrows at me for a second and I rolled my eyes, muttering, "Don't be dirty, Malfoy."

Draco smirked and said, "I said nothing of the sort."

"You were implying it," I retaliated.

"Still. Didn't say anything," Draco laughed with a smirk.



Hermione and I sat in the library studying for a test in Transfiguration.

I brushed my quill against my chin and scribbled down some notes from a Transfiguration book. As I wrote I caught of glimpse of Hermione staring at me and looking away quickly. I stared at her for a second, then looked back to my book. After another few minutes of scribbling down notes, I caught her staring at me again, then looking away just as fast and set my quill in the ink bottle. I leaned back on the chair and stared at her, waiting for her eyes to look again. She looked at me again and casually asked, "What?"

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked.

"Like what?" She asked casually.

"Like you just caught me writing love letters to Professor Bond," I whispered. She shook her head, and shrugged, looking down. "I'm not," she said trying to be assertive but her voice cracked. I nodded finally understanding what may be wrong. I leaned forward and asked in whisper, "Hermione, are you uncomfortable? About... Christmas Eve...?"

"No, I'm-I'm n-not uncomfortable," Hermione stuttered. I gave her a unconvinced look and whispered, "Hermione, he's your best friend. I'll ask him to wait a little bit longer if you want-"

"-No," Hermione said firmly. "Luna and I encouraged you to do it. And... we kept on implying that you were the "v word," so... We never meant to make you feel under pier pressure." I smiled a bit and said, "You didn't. Harry was just getting me use to be... touched... He was helping me really. He was trying to get my off of things."

"What things?" Hermione asked, suddenly curiously nervous. I shrugged, "I had a fight with my dad. I was pretty upset about it. Harry has been helping me with that..." Hermione and I were quiet for a minute then I whispered, "If it's... awkward... for you... I don't mind... waiting." Hermione shook her head and smiled, "No, it's okay. I don't mind walking in and seeing both of my friends inches away from getting laid..." I nodded and said, "Good." She nodded back and replied, "Good." We played it casual for a second then Hermione and I exchanged a look and giggled. We bust into a fit of giggles and ended up laughing.

"No big deal or anything," Hermione muttered.

I nodded and said, "Yeah, no big deal or anything..."


Again.... I'm sorry. Short chapter. I'm sorry about that also.
Yeah.. Sucky chapter. But I thought 'At least I'm updating.'
Filler chapter. Not really important.
Better -hopefully- update with be up soon :)


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