Chapter 23: Advice

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Aurora's POV

Draco told Emma my not so little secret and they both sneaked me into St. Mungo's to get the verification. Results: Positive. Of course. I had stopped throwing up in the morning, so, I tried to go to work. However, I quickly learned "morning sickness" doesn't necessarily mean throwing up. Most of the time I just felt like shit. Regardless I tried to go to work. Draco had something to say about that idea.

It went something like this.

Me: "Draco, I'm fine. I'm pregnant, not dying."

Draco: "I agree with you, but I would wait a day before you jump right back on top of things."

Me: "But I'm fine-"

Draco: "No. You've been sick in bed for a week. Dr. Malfoy said no."

Me: "You're pulling card on me? Are you serious?"

Draco: "Damn straight I am. Take it easy."

I swear, when I'm not loving him for all that he does to help me, I want to kill him.


Four and A Half Months Later~

(A/N I know, seriously, "a half"? But I felt the need to be all specific.)

Kingsley moved me from the Interrogation Department to the Auror Department (thank you very much, Kingsley). This way I can do more of the detective and investigation work from the office, and I'm not out the field as much as I was. The only problem being I have to move all of my files and crap across the department. For me, that's a lot more work than it may come off to be.

It was late at night and not many other people were there. I carried a large file box in one hand and two briefcases full of files in the other. I achieved about forty steps towards the Auror Department then both briefcases slipped out of my hand and exploded in a paper mess on the floor.

"Here, let me," Harry said, bending down to pick up the papers. When he stood up I froze in fear. The last person on Earth I want to talk to right now. But at the same time, I was happy to see him.

"Need some help?" he asked, looking at the huge box in my hand.

"Um... Yes, please," I replied in a small voice.

He smiled kindly, and took a few files off of the top of the box. The two of us walked alongside each other in silence. I think he got the memo that I was a bit off, because he simply remained quiet. I waddled my way over to the Auror Department, and set the box on a spare table.

"Thank you," I said in a small voice.

"You're welcome," Harry replied. "What made you tackle that by yourself?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I wanted to do things..." -I sighed mid-sentence, cracking a rather hopeless smile- "by myself, but I guess that didn't work out so well."

Harry offered another smile, saying, "I'm not doing anything, if you need any more help getting things across I'd be glad to help you." I was going to politely decline, because, one, despite his persisting kindness, I knew more about him than he knew about himself at the time. Two, I had already had a tiring day. I wasn't exactly apt to put myself through the cycle all over again. Nevertheless, he began helping me anyways.

A little part of me was gawking at him with his sleeves rolled up, and his attractiveness while he literally hauled my desk across the hall. But the rest of me simply walked alongside him like he had instructed me to, thinking of how much I missed him and wished he knew things that I couldn't tell him. When he moved the desk, and the two of us had moved the rest of the lighter stuff from Point A to Point B, we sat on our desks and relaxed.

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