Chapter 8: Christmas Love

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Aurora's POV

"You betrayed our family!"

"I just wanted to bring mum home! I thought you want her home too!" I shouted back to my father, tears streaming down my face.

"You thought, you didn't know! And she didn't come, now, did she!?" Dad shouted back.

"How is it my fault that she wanted to be with Him!? I didn't make her choice!"

"You just made the stupid choice!" Dad shouted. "You made the stupid choice!"

"Does that mean it was just completely wrong for me to even try to get my mother back home once I found out she was alive?!" I shouted back, tears coming faster down my face.

"I'd rather have my wife here to be with and taking of her daughters and sons with me! Not in Azkaban prison because she was married to the darkest wizard in all time!" Dad shouted.

"Well, I don't know what you want from me! I tried to do just that! I tried!"

"Well, you didn't try damn hard enough!" My father shouted back. "She didn't come back! She didn't want to either! She chose to stay with Him, she chose power and dark arts! And you were just the ignorant child that helped her the whole way!" He shouted. I said nothing and he continued, "You betrayed our family by poking at something that shouldn't of been poked at!"

"So you didn't want you wife back?! You didn't want your daughters to have their mother-?!" I felt his hand strike me across the face and he screamed, "I wanted her to do the right thing, not use you to do the wrong thing!" I stared at him for a second, then touched my cheek.

He had never slapped me before. Never.

"You're a disgrace to the family," He said in a firm, angry voice. I said nothing, letting him say whatever he needed to say. When he didn't say anything else, I just walked away and ran upstairs. My mind was going everywhere. My dad had never slapped me before. He'd never hurt me. He'd never said anything like that. He'd never hurt me in any way.

I shut my bedroom door, blocking out the sound of Luna and Dad fighting downstairs. I was thankful Aster and Casper had gone Christmas shopping. After a few minutes of pacing, I dug my hand through my dresser drawer and found Harry's letter;

        If you ever want to come over, come whenever. Grimmauld Place
is pretty quiet without Ron and Hermione most of the time.
        Love You,

I sighed and plopped back on my bed, holding the letter to my chest. I don't want to burden him. As my father said, I'm, apparently, a disgrace to the Lovegood family.

My heart actually ached. Even when Harry and I broke up I knew there was still a chance we might get back together so it didn't hurt as much as it should've. But this... It hurt more than a million knives at once. I had felt what being stabbed felt like when Bellatrix Lestrange jabbed her knife into my side. It hurt like a bitch. This was that time a million.

Okay, not a million.

A million and one.

Soon I was packing everything into a Undetectable Extension Charmed bag; my books, music, clothes, makeup (not a lot), toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. When I was done, my room felt very bare. Nothing was on the shelves, the flowers that were usually cut in a vase on my nightstand weren't there, crap wasn't laid all over the floor. It felt unnatural. But how "natural" is it for someone to be a called a disgrace to their family and run away?

Once I was done I left a letter to Aster and Casp;

        I'm alright... Don't worry about me. Dad and I had a fight...
I'll explain later. Love you guys. Take care of each other.
        Love Rory

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