Chapter 34: Meanwhile at Potter Mansion

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There will be some time skips in this chapter.
As in, more than one so please forgive me.
I kinda hate them too, but once they're over with
we can get to the good stuff. After thirty-three
long ass fluff chapters .... YAY!!

- Four Years Later (now 2006) -

Aurora's POV

I guess, I was starting to miss Number 12 Grimmauld Place. The days when we had slept on a mattress on the floor and worked all day, only to come home and cuddle on the couch. Now we live in the, sometimes, uncomfortably large Potter Mansion, complete with twenty-one bedrooms and only three in use. There's an actual bedroom for Harry and I, another half sized one for our newest addition, and possibly another in the works for the one on the way. It took us a year to clean out this place, and not too long after that I had James, and everything was ... -frighteningly, nerve racking but- ... perfect. In the meantime, while the past four years were floating by, Ron and Hermione got married, Fleur and Bill had a baby girl, and Luna got married to this guy named Rolf Scamander and became a billionaire with her achievements in the Wizarding natural world (in other words she proved Nargles were real and now she's loaded) ... Of course, I wasn't at the wedding, but I hear her dress was made of rainbows, had spangles on it and she wore a unicorn horn tiara. It was voted "Most Hideous Outfit of The Year" by Rita Skeeter's paper but I don't think that bothers her. I've always admired Luna's ability not to give a damn.

Draco and Scorpius are better than ever. I sense the older Scorpius gets, the more his father feels the need to to do things with him. 'Hey, buddy, wanna go flying with me?' 'Scorpius, wanna explain to me how a ... TV works?' He's quite the good father, if I do say so myself, but now as he gets older he's questioning the urgency for his son to have a mother and getting back into the dating game. This woman, Astoria, seems nice and a very suitable mother for Scorp, but I don't think Draco's all on board quite yet. He's begun to call me mum, so there's that as well.

Cassthorpia's public activity has increased even more. Turns out four years ago, she put out an attack on kids Harry had gown up with in Little Whinging. Bullies and friends of his cousin, Dudley. A part of Harry felt like they deserved it, after all the cruel treatment from his childhood. But at the same time, innocent muggles that Harry had simply known once were attacked. The day after, he could barely get out of bed from racking his brain all night and watching the news on repeat. More and more Harry seemed to engross himself with the obsession of finding her. For a year almost, his obsession became a constant paranoia that would wake him up in the middle of the night. Like when Voldemort was in his head and he was having bad dreams all the time. It had happened again ... and then I had James.

Having James was our biggest accomplishment at the time. It let us see something other than my crazy mother and our jacked up, never-to-be-normal lives. Now I'm pregnant again, a few months in by now and a bump on my tummy. Despite my love for the Auror Department, being a mum had quickly became my favourite job.

Upstairs James slept happy and worry free, while downstairs I sat in a living room chair, watching the news. Watching the muggle news made me wonder why I went into law at the Ministry. Every other broadcast was about a fire, or the autopsy on how someone was murdered, or someone jumped off a bridge and lived to tell the story. Then there were the locals that complain on late night news about petty situations. 'That tree is too close to my house!' Well, cut it down. 'I have flooding in my basement!' Your house was built at the bottom of a huge hill, what did you expect?

Maybe I have cynical tendencies when I'm pregnant, but it seems like all these problems or situations have solutions.

Harry came home with a pop!. A large smile was on his face and black hair a mess, as usual. "Hello, my lovely wife. How are you?" He walked around the chair to kneel in front of me and kiss me lovingly on the cheek. Then he bowed his head and kissed my tummy.

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