Chapter 24: Surprise

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Aurora's POV

Christmas came quickly.

In much less time than I had anticipated.

The Weasleys invited me to spend the holiday with them at the Weasley's house, however, I had a hard time accepting. I had only erased myself from Harry's memory. Not the trio. Harry would definitely be there, as well as Hermione -who I haven't seen in forever- and Ron -who I can't say I missed- but still ... In the long run, I ended up accepting the offer, and then Mrs. Weasley had the idea to invite the Malfoys. It kinda stirred Mr. Weasley because of his history with Lucius Malfoy, but Mrs. Weasley explained they are nothing like Draco's father and they would love to have them.

I made a strong effort to look like I wasn't pregnant, due to the many inhabitants of the Burrow that didn't know. Sadly though the once subtle bump was getting bigger... and bigger... and bigger... And I was eating more... and more... and more... In conclusion, an old, baggy sweater with the Slytherin crest embroidered into the back fabric tag was the best I could do. Yes, I kept all of my Hogwarts clothes. Why? Because I can. I put on some leggings trying to create a similar outfit to those I would've worn before I got landed with, what feelings like, an alien inside of me.

I came down for breakfast to only find Draco there quickly eating a bowl of cereal.

"Man, what are you in a hurry for?" I asked, grabbing his shoulder.


"Than slow down. You're going to throw up."

"Can I ask you something?"

I paused mid-grab for the box of Lucky Charms. "Does it evolve money, 'cuz I spent my last paycheck on groceries...?"


"...Sure," I said cautiously.

"Will you be my best man?"

I smirked. "Isn't that a man's shop?"

"Yeah, but you're my best friend and you're a girl. So... best person?"

"I'd love to, Draco." I smiled and gave him a light side hug.

I finished my breakfast, same with Emmy who was having trouble stopping for a moment.

Draco and Emma decided to come a little bit after me. Leaving me to Disapparate to the Burrow alone, while Emmy has a meltdown about not having nothing to wear and Draco calms her down within two minutes. If you think it's funny hearing about it, you should've seen it in action. But I couldn't laugh because Emmy would've felt like people are laughing at her and just announced she wasn't going. The struggle is real. I picked up my shoes and took off my socks, then Disapparated while Emmy and Draco had just begun a quickly progressing make-out session.


I appeared knee-deep in the middle of the pond surrounding the Weasley's house. Thank Merlin I had thought not to wear my socks while Apparating. Soggy socks, gross... My jeans had been exposed to the cold water though and now smelt of rank weeds and grass. Thanks for the birthday present, Universe. I made my way as quickly as I could to the house.

When I opened the door the house was completely dark.

I looked around in a bit of exasperation. "What the bloody hell-" I muttered while closing the door.

Suddenly the lights flashed on and everyone jumped out screaming, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I think it would've gone a lot better if I hadn't screamed at the top of my lungs in fright and pulled out my wand. Everyone laughed at me, brushing it off easily.

"You guys... I think I just had a mini heart attack," I laughed as Mrs. Weasley moved forward to hug me.

"Happy Birthday, dear," she said kissing my forehead and hugging me.

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