Chapter 25: Numbler 12 Grimmauld Place

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Aurora's POV


MINISTRY AURORS DESPERATELY TRYING TO FIND OUT WHAT LED TO THIS~POSSIBLE MOLE WITHIN THE MINISTRY - ALL DEPARTMENTSUNDER SERIOUS INVESTIGATION"With some time, the Auror and Interrogation Department should be ableto decide what exactly happened at Azkaban Prison. When we have more
word on the subject we will release it to the public."
-Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt

My eyes tried to glue itself anywhere else besides the Daily Prophet that sat on my desk.

I had already read it, at least, five times.

But, even more so, I was trying not to feel like I didn't know who may of helped the prisoners out of Azkaban. How could Ryan do this? Betray the Ministry, his friends, his family? On second thought, I didn't know all too much about his family and what exactly they did. And he had been "mysteriously disappearing" a lot, even during fourth year, like when he ditched me at the Yule Ball. Well, I was really trying not to be. Anxiety isn't good for pregnancy, and if you haven't noticed, I've had a lot of that lately.

With a casual sigh, I tried to pass it off as if I wasn't anxious, and stood up purse hung over my shoulder.

Before I turned the light off, I rolled up the prophet, and stuffed it into my purse. Trying to make it look believable, I made a diagonal glance at Ryan -finding him staring right back at me. I walked a bit quicker than normal. It took me a moment to calm my body, and walk normal pace. But when I looked back at Ryan, he was gone.

The dark of the department suddenly made me feel eerie.

I rolled my shoulders, trying to shake off the feeling.

When I turned back to walk again, he stood right in front of me.

I gasped, almost dropping the suspect files. "Ryan. You scared me. How did you-"

"What are you up to? Very jittery, aren't you," he muttered, eyes running up and down me like he had to ensure my innocence.

"Just heading over to see a friend," I thought fast and answered partially telling the truth. "It's getting late. How about you?"

"Same," he smiled tightly. Suddenly he pulled out his wand and quickly whispered, "Obliviate." I froze, too close to avoid the spell.

Looking around, suddenly confused, I couldn't help wondering how I had got here.

"Auvora, are you alright?" Ryan asked.

"I-uh... I think so..." I muttered still confused.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," he said, making a kind smile.

A chill ran up my spine.

I made a small smile and quickly walked away.

Wasn't I sitting at my desk? I thought.


"He just... appeared out of nowhere," I recalled Ryan scaring the shit out me to Emmaline. "Not to mention, I couldn't remember walking away from my desk." Emmaline looked down contemplating what it could've meant. But there was something else about her, something that made me worry.


Within the next couple weeks I spent my time at work. You see, there were a few breakouts in Azkaban, and now there's Dementors all over the place. Just lovely, I know... I had decided to stay late for the extra money. The save-up jaw in my bedroom at Malfoy Manor was nearing at the top. If I could make another pound or two, or possible another ten galleons just by putting in some more hours, it's worth it. When the department was empty, and the air was eerie, I felt like I had no other choice but to leave. I was getting nowhere on this case, and I had called possible leads. What point was there after that anyways?

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