Chapter 14: Bard

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Aurora's POV

Casper, Asterion and I decided to go see Eliot in Saint Mungo's hospital. And when the letter said 'he's muttering a bunch of nonsense' (not quoted exactly), they meant it. All he kept muttering over and over again was The Wizard and the Hopping Pot, The Fountain of Fair Fortune, The Warlock's Hairy Heart, Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump, and The Tale of the Three Brothers. What is that suppose to mean? He was all delusional and delirious, and was constantly forgetting he had more than three fingers.

On a happier note, Harry had sent his new owl (he's really Hermione's but they share) to me with a note.

Are you free today? I have a surprise for you.
Something I think you'll like to see.
Love, Harry

Before sending a reply, I  and walked downstairs. Harry has a surprise for me and made an effort to actually owl me. Sometimes he would just show up at uncalled times and scare the bloody hell out of me. I had to go and see what this was all about. "Asterion, Casper, I'm going to be with Harry! Don't wait up, I'm not sure when I'll be back!" I shouted through the house. I'd have to wait for him, and since I didn't know where he was taking me, I couldn't Disapparate. I couldn't determine when I'll be back either so I really had no choice on the matter.

"Aurora, wait!" Casper shouted from upstairs.

I waited as told for him to come downstairs. He ran downstairs, stopping at the bottom of the stairs, and said, "You said you would help me with Eliot. I though you said you would come with me."

"I did," I said in a confused voice. "Yesterday, Casper."

"But don't you want to go again?" he asked. "See if anything has changed."

I hesitated to answer. I could tell Casper was taking it roughly that Eliot wasn't around. He had been the only father figure he had had for a long time, and now he was mumbling a bunch of nonsense in a hospital bed. I sighed, then whispered, "Caspian, we need to give him some time. Same with his girlfriend. She's probably taking it just as hard as you are right now..."

"But what if he's gotten somewhat better and he remembers something and- and we can help him- what if-"

"Casper," I cut him off. He stopped rambling nervously and I walked closer to him, holding his face in my hands. "Are you okay?" He didn't say anything back, and I whispered, "Why didn't you tell me you were having such a hard time? I can stay with you, if you want. I haven't replied to Harry, so-"

"No, I'm okay... I'm sorry for freaking out. I just-... I just want him to be okay," he whispered. After a bit of hesitation, I nodded and hugged him. He hugged me back tightly, then muttered, "You better reply to lover boy, or he'll think you forgot about him."

I nodded, asking, "You're sure you're going to be okay? With Aster and everything?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go have fun," he said. I hesitated again, then went to get some parchment. I couldn't shake the worry I had now for Caspian. But he wouldn't go anywhere today, as he told me. But words are cheap, so, who knows what he could do with all he's holding back from me? Ugh... wonder where I get it.

I'm free. You know how much I love a surprise.
Love, Aurora♥

Harry soon showed up, and kissed my cheek gently. "Harry, what's all this about?" I asked as we walked, intertwining our fingers together and swinging our arms lightly.

"Your remember how Sirius was my godfather, right?" he asked.

"Yes.." I said a bit skeptically.

"Well, I've been cleaning it up. And I wanted you to see it," he smiled. Oh, no, what did he do? Or what is he doing, more like? He gently held me closer and we Disapparated. I felt like I was being swished through a tube, and stretched, resized, stretched again, and then heard a pop. I groaned, still hating the feeling. It'd been awhile since we had Apparated. The last time we did was before the Battle of Hogwarts, I believe. He opened Number Twelve Grimmauld Place and we walked inside. Immediately, I was so much more lit and cleaner. The house elf heads had been removed from the wall, at request of Sirius, the walls were dusted, all the furniture shined like it had just been bought. I smiled and looked at Harry with a wide smiled, asking, "You did all of this?"

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