Chapter 40: The Fall

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Third Person's POV

The aurors chased Cassthorpia through the forest.

It was freezing.

Aurora had not dressed to fight the cold.

She wore a pair of jeans and a thin sweater.

At least she wasn't wearing Converse.

Today she wore combat boots, very suited to moving in the elements.

Harry and Aurora stuck close, careful not to be separated.

The dark of the night camouflaged passing Death Eaters in their smoke form.

But the sound of them brushing tree branches helped the aurors keep track.

It felt like they were running forever.

Whilst Cassthorpia cackled like a hyena ahead of them.

She laughed and called out to Aurora for what felt like forever.

And then it stopped. The aurors froze.

The Death Eaters had disappeared.

As well as Cassthorpia.

"Where did she go?" asked Hermione.

"We don't know. She just ... disappeared."

"Where did you last see her?" Hermione asked.

"Over there," he pointed.

Aurora let go of Harry's hand to run in the direction the auror had designated.

"Aurora, don't!" Harry shouted.

As he was saying it, she had already fallen through a Disillusionment Charm.

Aurora crashed onto her stomach, feeling dirt against her injured leg and crying out with realization of the contact.

When she looked up, she was surrounded by Death Eaters.

Cassthorpia stood with them, but Aurora wasn't looking at her.

Out of the crowd, she caught a pair of blue eyes and lovely blonde hair.


She looked no different than she had the day Aurora saw her die.

But her expression was like she wanted to cry.

If that woman had anything to say, Aurora wouldn't listen.

She would kill her before she got a single word out.

"Aurora," began Cassthorpia merrily. "How are you?"

Aurora said nothing, throwing a dark glare her way.

Internally she vowed to kill her, too.

Other aurors were suddenly rushing in, throwing spells in every direction.

Harry helped Aurora up, but Cassthorpia had taken hold of her and turned into smoke before Harry could pull Aurora's body back.

They flew through the air.

Being pushed and squished and stretched.

Aurora beat her hands on Cassthorpia, sending the smoke flying in a zigzag line.

She managed to lose her grip on the smoke and the two dropped from above the trees.

Cassthorpia went flopping through the branches like a dead fish.

Then, they went crashing down.

Hitting branch after branch.

Then landing in the dirt with a thud.

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