Chapter 3: Cheesy

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Aurora's POV

"So, let me get this straight," Harry stated. "Could you use the Summoning Charm on people too?" Professor Flitwick looked annoyed, "Are you asking this to be an interruption or are you literally curious about such a ridiculous thing?" Harry shook his head, "No, sir, not at all. Let's use Aurora for example," I blushed under the attention I now had. "If I lost Rory" -Really?- "would I just be able to shout Accio Aurora Lovegood! or does it only would on inanimate objects?"

Blaise next to me smirked at Seamus, who sat next to Harry, "Let's find out, shall we?"

"I think we shall," Seamus smirked. With that Blaise and Seamus quickly shoved Harry and I off of our chairs, Harry falling then me on top of him. I blushed deep red, while Harry and the rest of the class laughed except for Hermione who looked more annoyed than anything else.

"Mr. Potter, why?" I rolled off of Harry, Harry helping me up and the two of us sitting in our chairs. Blaise laughed, a smile etching onto my face, "You two are so immature."

Blaise shrugged, "Let us live our fun, while we have it."


"Really Harry?" Harry shrugged, the two of us walking with his arm over my shoulders, "It was an actual question." I rolled my eyes, Harry kissing my cheek and the two us walking in silence to Transfiguration class. Ron and Hermione caught up, the two of us walking to the Transfiguration classroom with Ron and Hermione.


We ended up having the party at Black Lake. Almost the whole seventh year came! It was pretty cool. It was a pretty nice party. Things weren't out-of-control but they were fun and pretty carefree. Harry and I were dancing, along with some other people. I laughed, "Harry, you really can't dance."

"No, I can't. Hermione told me the same thing. I'm trying."

"Love, you're doing this all wrong." I said, taking his hand from the side of my ribs. "Your hands," I slid them down to my waist, "go here."

Harry smiled, "Noted."

"You lead me. Move your feet anywhere but onto mine and I follow." Harry nodded and worked very slowly to find a tempo to move at. I smiled, muttering, "Harry, this isn't chess. Think less; do better."

Harry kept his eyes up, moving his feet and I muttered, "See? You're doing good."

"Thanks..." Harry replied. I felt Harry's hands tense up on my waist and I asked, "What's wrong?"

"Scared of messing up." Harry muttered. I laughed again and replied, "You won't mess up as long as you don't overthink it."

"What do you mean?"

"Dancing should be carefree. Don't let your mind take control of that." I answered. "Sometimes you say stuff and I don't even know how to respond to it." Harry said laughing. I laughed hard this time. Wrapping my arms around his neck I felt Harry relax a bit.

"So, how has your first week of Hogwarts been?" Harry asked, once he had calmed down.

"Okay. Yourself?"

"About the same. Without you in most of my classes, it's so awkward for me." Harry replied with a smirk. I smiled, "Aw, I'm touched. I take the awkwardness off of your life." Harry and I laughed a bit, Harry nodding and answering, "Yes, yes you do."

"I feel special," I muttered, fluttering my eyelashes at him and making him laugh again.

"Of course you're special. You're special to me." Harry replied, pecking me on the lips. I shrugged, "I'm not a huge part of your world, you know. You still have other things that are so much more important than me." Harry shrugged, leaning his forehead on mine, "When we get out of Hogwarts I'd like you to be my whole world."

I stared at him for a second then looked down, "That's a big thing to say, Mr. Potter."

"I know," Harry whispered and kissed my forehead.


Draco, Luna and I were all dancing. Luna doing her own thing, Draco doing some sort of weird "dance move" and I was just moving and laughing. Draco looked so ridiculous but he was okay with that. Luna laughed and replied, "You're not a very good dancer are you, Draco?"

"I've only ever learned how to ballroom dance. This is so different!"

We laughed and kept dancing, then Hermione and her friend starting doing some sort of dance they made up. Ron decided not to go to the party so Hermione's friend said that he would go with her as friends. I think he's so funny. He's a Hufflepuff and he makes everyone laugh. His dance achieved that on so many levels.


"Aw, that's adorable!"

"It's so cute!"

"Shh, you're going to wake them up."

I stirred a bit, keeping my eyes closed and hugged onto the warm surface under me.

"Ugh, look what you did. She's waking up..."

"..What?" I asked in a groggy voice and opened my eyes.

Hermione, Luna and Ron were all standing above me, Hermione looking like she was trying not to smile. I blinked a couple times and sat up, feeling a groan from behind me. I turned to see Harry with his arm wrapped around me. We fell asleep on the couch?!

"Morning sleepyheads," Hermione smirked. Harry and I awkwardly sat up, Luna giggling and Neville smiling at us. "Sleep well you two?" Neville asked with a smirk. Harry nodded, "Very well." I could feel the blush swarming my face. Harry and I made a small smile at each other, then we stood up and I walked out of the common room.

I feel asleep... on top of Harry... in the Gryffindor common room...

Only me.

Immediately when I came into the Slytherin common room, Draco asked, "Where were you? You were gone all night. You scared the blood hell out of me." I replied drowsily, "I fell asleep with Harry in the Gryffindor common room..." Draco rose an eyebrow, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, "I'm fine. Just tired. The party didn't end until, like, two in the morning...." Draco nodded, hugging me and said, "Don't scare me like that again. Go get some rest." I nodded and walked up the stairs.

Going up the stairs, Pansy Parkinson stood there with a smirk on her face, "Still getting screwed by Potter?"

"Still stuffing your bra with toilet paper?"

She didn't say anything back and I closed my dorm door behind me.

Parkinson, it's too early in the morning. I don't have the tolerance for you at this early.


When I wasn't so tired I got up and took a shower. The water was so refreshing I regretted not getting in the moment I went into my dorm. An early start wouldn't be that bad for me. I need to start getting up earlier anyways... After the shower, I got dressed, dried my hair, threw it up in a messy bun because I was too lazy to curl it nice and went downstairs.

Walking out of the Slytherin common room Harry came up to, kissing my forehead and muttering, "Good morning lovely." I rose my eyebrows, "This is lovely? I look like I got run over by a truck." Harry chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "A truck?"

"A semi-truck at that," I sighed.

"Oh, please, you're gorgeous." I nodded, sarcastically, "Yeah, right. You're my boyfriend. It's your job to say that!"

"I only say it because you are!" Harry retorted with raised eyebrows.

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