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Aurora Blackburne (Lovegood)

Age: 17

Dark brown hair, green eyes (pretend her eyes are green)

Quiet, mischievous, secretive, very private, cunning, can be a bit cocky

Quidditch Position: chaser

Twin Sister: Luna Lovegood, Father: Xenophilius Lovegood,
Mother: Cassthorpia Blackburne, Uncle: Eliot Blackburne,
Little Brother: Asterion Riddle-Blackburne (going on age 16),
Older Brother: Caspian Riddle-Blackburne (going on age 19)

Friends: Draco Malfoy (best friend), Blaise Zambini,
some of Gryffindor house

House: Slytherin

Word From Aurora;
Hey... My name is Aurora Lovegood- no. I've recently changed my last name to Blackburne because my father and I have been fighting. Not parents and kid fights either. The type of fights where your own father believes you're endangering the rest of your family by being with some people. He doesn't necessarily want me in the house so I live with my uncle/godfather, Eliot Blackburne, during the summer and holidays, along with my two brothers Asterion -Aster- and Caspian -Casper or Casp. Besides the current family crisis there are some positives going for me. One: my boyfriend is the most stubborn, amazing guy ever, Harry Potter. Harry and I were dating during the end of fifth year, then sixth year but broke up at the end of sixth year because Voldemort was making things dangerous. We got back together after the war and have been on good boyfriend and girlfriend terms since. Two: After Hogwarts -where my friends, family and I attend- was destroyed in the Battle of Hogwarts it was redone and they're bringing back all the students from the year before. Including me, since I'm a seventh year. A whole two positives.

My best friends are Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy. Hermione and I have been good friends since fourth year and became best friends in fifth while Draco and I have been best friends since sixth year. Our complicated relationship was made even more complicated because, somehow, Draco managed to fall in love with one of the most unlovable people on the planet. A.K.A me. So... yeah. Between my family, my friends, school, and all the other crap in my life I manage to create, I'm constantly recognizing the joys of being me. Then I think of the positives and.... well, that's about it.
That's my life.

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