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From: Annoying Manager

Let us talk. Meet me outside the bar.

11:38 PM

Hobi's eyebrows crossed hard when he saw the message that he received from his manager. He had to excuse himself from his group of friends, so he can talk to him. Momo followed him with her eyes until he completely disappeared through the bar's doors. Sighing, she turned her head around and just munched on the nachos.

Once Hobi exited the bar, he saw his manager standing at the side with a cigarette between his forefinger and middle finger. He calls out his manager's name and wears his mask, so he can avoid smelling the bad odor that the cigarette gives out. His manager faced him right away and threw the cigar on the street.

"Take me to the backstage, so I can meet your friend." Hobi's manager, Yoonsung, said and smirked. Hobi's eyebrow raised because he's still pretty unconvinced, but he trusted Yoonsung's words, so they both entered again and walked towards the backstage right away. They didn't get to go through the big bouncer that is blocking the whole hallway. They tried pleading, but the bouncer didn't even glance at them.

"Hyung, take out your calling card." Hobi whispered to his manager. Agreeing, Yoonsung fishes out his wallet to get his calling card and tells the bouncer that he's a casting agent of a specific agency. Hobi is actyally assuming that they would be able to go in, but the bouncer was far stricter than they imagined. They're asked to stand outside the backstage and wait for Taehyung to come out. They didn't have any choice but to follow the bouncer's commands because they do not want to get involved in a fight--if they will ever talk back.

"C'mon, mister. Taehyung is my friend and don't you recognize me? I'm Jung Hoseok! Jhope in the showbusiness!" He tried to convince him, but he just gave the superstar a poker face.

"Oh! Hobi!" As if on cue, Taehyung and Sana walked towards the area where they saw their friend. "What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked with a happy expression. Clearly, he likes the fact that he saw his friend supporting him. Little did he know that Sana invited Hobi.

"This bouncer won't let us through!" Hobi stomped his feet on the ground and sulked like a little kid. He started whispering endless murmurs to himself while he rolls his eyes at the bouncer. Taehyung chuckled while Sana giggled in return. He told the bouncer that Hobi is a friend of him. After convincing the bouncer, Taehyung let them to the backstage, so they can all talk privately.

"What brought you here?" Taehyung asked and glanced at Yoonsung. "You're Hobi's manager, am I right?" Yoonsung nodded as a response. The last time Taehyung saw Yoonsung is when Hobi threw a party because he's being trained as a celebrity at that moment. After that event, he had never seen him anymore. "It's my pleasure to meet you again." He handed out his hand for a handshake and Yoonsung immediately responded.

"I took him with me because of a specific reason." Hobi smiled and looked at Taehyung. He smirked a little which made him think. Taehyung started wondering why Hobi smirked. "You tell him, hyung."

"Okay," Sana felt a little nervous yet curious of what the manager will tell to her fiancé. Her heart raced because it might be a bad news. God knows how she hates bad news because she's been through so much already. "I want to cast you." It didn't sink in to their heads for a moment because they're in shock. "There's this open auditions on our agency and you might want to take that opportunity. Our agency would love to have you as our artist if you'd pass the auditions and debut." He explained. Taehyung liked the idea of that thing. He felt excited, but became very doubtful right away. He started to see the negative sides of being an idol.

"But..." Taehyung paused and glanced at Sana. He looked at her hesitantly, but Sana smiled; so she can shrug off her fiancé's bad feelings. "...I'm engaged." He continued and gulped. "I mean, I won't have time for my family in the future. I'll miss the chance to see my kids grow up." He reasoned out and held Sana's hand. "I'm sorry, but I would like to reject your offer." Hobi and Yoonsung felt disappointed, but they still respected Taehyung's decision. They both felt saddened because of the rejection that they received from Taehyung.

"It's alright. We understand you." Hobi smiled faintly before going. Taehyung felt a little guilty because he knows that the two are expecting that he'd say yes immediately. His head is not into stardom anyway. Instead, he's focused on preparing for the future.

"Here's my calling card." Yoonsung said and handed his calling card to him. He hesitantly took it and looked at it for a while before facing the manager back. "Give me a call if you'd ever change your decision." He grinned and then placed his hands inside his pockets. "Let's go. You still have a recording tomorrow morning." Yoonsung turned his back first on Taehyung which Sana found rude. She hates rude people anyway. Hobi gave Taehyung a man hug and told him that they understand his situation anyway because he's busy with the future. He also gave Sana a mere smile before turning his back. Taehyung's glance went back to the calling card that was given to him by Yoonsung.


It's almost 1 o'clock in the morning when Sana and Taehyung arrived at their house. Tired, Taehyung decided to lay on the couch for a while before showering. Sana smiled at him even though her fiancé's eyes are shut.

"You should go to shower and sleep already, babe." Sana told him as she walks towarda the kitchen to check out some snacks that she can eat since she's getting hungry. They just finished eating together with Dahyun, Jimin, Momo and Hobi before going home, but she's still hungry. What a woman with a big appetite for such a petite body.

Taehyung just hummed a yes lazily, not bothering to even look at his fiancé. He placed his arm ontop of his eyes, almost snoring because of being tired.

Sana found a box of cereals in the refridgerator, so she decided to take it out and pour it on a bowl. She then took the milk and poured it on the same bowk and started stirring it with a spoon. She took it with her as she heads towards Taehyung.

"Baby," Sana placed the cereal aside and sat beside Taehyung. She snaked her hands on his waist and laid her head on his chest. "Go upstairs and take a shower already, okay?" She heard no response from him because he's probably asleep already. "I had a thought after he gave that calling card to you..." Once Taehyung heard her open up the topic about that, he took off his arm on his eyes and looked at her. Sana smiled and gave him a peck on his lips before laying her head on his chest again. "...it's alright with me."

"What? Can you hear yourself, babe?" He asked, both confused and shocked at the same time. "Don't you want me to take care of our babies in the future--"

"Of course I want to." She defended and heaved a sigh. "I want to be with you in the future. I want to be with you and our kids."

"Then why do you want me to?" He asked, still confused of what Sana wants to convey.

"Isn't singing your happiness?" Sana asked which made Taehyung fall silent. It's the truth after all. He wouldn't sing if it doesn't make him happy. "Do you get my point, babe?" She asked, but he didn't respond because he couldn't get it. He doesn't know what Sana would want to say. "If it makes you happy, you should do it. For once, don't worry about me and oue future. For once, try thinking about your personal goals in life. For once, try thinking what would make you happy if I'm not here." With that, she stepped out from his arms and told him that she's going upstairs already. Taehyung hummed a yes and then she started walking upstairs. He thought of what Sana told him, but he's still worried of things that might happen. He's also bothered by the fact that he's close to being 30 years old and a few years more, he's out of the 20's age bracket. He's thinking if he'd debut as a 30 year old, would there still be fans of him? Probably none. He answered himself.

Sighing, he followed Sana upstairs who just finished washing her face after removing her make up. He went straight to the shower room, so he can take a quick bath and doze off.


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