f o r t y - s i x

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"I'm sorry to tell this, but..." I feel like I'm going to stop breathing if he would tell me the saddest news ever. I prayed to God and to every saint already that He wouldn't take Taeha right away. Not now...not ever. Not my baby. "...I think it would be better for her to be taken care by our professional caretakers here in the hospital." From what he said, it just means that Taeha's condition is getting worse and worse every day. I thought that the progression of her disease is not that fast, but I thought wrong.

I shook my head no, "I-I think me and my family can take care of Taeha already. Just give us more prescriptions--"

"--but it might overdose Taeha, sweetie." Dad told me.

I heaved a deep sigh and let it out. I don't know what should I do. "I-I would pay any amount of money just to get her cured." Suddenly, my tears fell from my eyes. Dad immediately hugged me and comforted me from tearing up. "I-I would do anything..." My voice cracked.

Dad caressed my hair and told me that Taeha would be absolutely fine soon. He told me that if I would lend my ears to the doctor, things will be just fine.

I sniffed and faced the doctor. "Can I see my baby?" I asked him.

He smiled and nodded. He led me to the emergency room where Taeha was checked. "Your baby seemed happy. She's a cheerful little girl."

I smiled bitterly, "Yes, she is. She never gave us something to be upset about. She's always there to make us happy." When my eyes gazed at Taeha, she called me, so I came to her and kissed her immediately. She's somehow sweating.

"Mrs. Kim," he said, so I listened carefully on what he's about to say. "It would be best for Taeha's treatment if you would help her walk upright since her balance may be destroyed because of the syndrome. As much as possible, don't take her much out in the sun since she may be sensitive to light. Practice her speech, too and don't forget to let her drink her drugs."

I nodded and thanked the doctor before leaving, but he called me once again even before I can step outside. "And it would also be the best if you would tell this to Mr. Kim." I gulped and continued on my way. My parents ran to me right away and asked me what did the doctor say.

I told them what was said to me by the doctor since they would probably take care of Taeha much more than me because I'm busy of my workloads.

"Where are we going now?" Dad asked me.

"Let's go to Hanbin's restau. Tae and Taek are there."


Tae is already billing out when I arrived. He was pretty shocked to see me with my parents and Taeha in my arms. I kissed his cheeks and sat beside Taek. I kissed my son's forehead and greeted the couple in front of us and their kid.

"I thought you were rushing to the company? Why're you with Taeha?" Tzuyu asked.

And now, I have to lie because Tae still doesn't know about Taeha. I didn't tell him that our daughter is in a syndrome that she might live with forever.

I smiled nervously, "I dropped by the house and invited them since this is a family lunch after all." I answered and looked away from them quickly. Tzuyu knows it whenever I act like this. She will surely interrogate me after this lunch.

"Okay, we'll cancel out the bill. I'll call for a waiter," Jungkook raised his hand and ordered food for me, Taeha and my parents. I placed Taeha on a requested high chair.

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