s p e c i a l c h a p t e r

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Taekwon wanted to give her a punch for kissing him in front of many people, but he wouldn't do that because it's Joohee. He sees her as another guy, but the fact that she's still a girl held him back.

"If you like me, you would have to fucking shut up and never talk to me again!" Taekwon hissed in anger, but Joohee just smirked. His cheeks are getting red because of anger and embarrassment. "Do you understand that, Joohee?"

"I don't." She answered. "You're mine." She confidently said which made his head ache. He wanted to throw her from afar, so she wouldn't care about him.

He held his temples and walked away from her. He entered their classroom, but she followed him since they're in the same class.

"Ohh~ Here comes the lovebirds!" Their classmates teased, so Taekwon immediately went to his chair and slept. He doesn't want to be bothered again. It just makes him feel stressed.

Meanwhile, Joohee decided to go to her friends and have a little chitchat while their professor haven't yet entered their room. She kept on glancing towards Taekwon's side, thinking if she had done a good thing or not.


Joonhyo and the rest of his class were having their quiz bee and their professor would pick a representative if one of the students stand out the most with his score. The student with the highest score will get to represent the whole junior high and will have to study with a partner in the senior high department.

Taehan and Woohan are biting their lips because of the quiz's difficulty. Taehan didn't get to study yesterday because he had a whole day training of soccer and Woohan was busy with the student council.

Their professor asked the last and easiest question. It's probably the only question that the twins could answer besides the other easy three questions. They finished their quiz bee and so, Joonhyo reviewed his answers before passing his paper.

He stood up and gave it to his professor. The others noticed him, so they were damned pressured when he handed out his paper. The professor counted from five to one, so they could finalize their answers and pass it as well.

Woohan groaned because he wants to be atleast a representative of the whole junior high in the competition. He's a competitive kid, but in a good way.

After their professor counted, they were asked to pass their papers to the front or else they could be disqualified. He fled with the papers and everyone approached Joonhyo whether he's sure of all his answers or not. He's not used to that kind of demanding crowd, so he was flustered and stuttered when he answered their questions.

"Yah! Don't crowd him!" Taehan scolded their classmates and smiled at Joonhyo. "I think you'd be the representative."

"What if I'm not? What if it's you?" Joonhyo knows that Taehan could nail the quiz, but he wasn't aware that he didn't have anytime to study, so he's assuming that Taehan may be the representative.

Taehan chuckled, "No. I don't think so."

"My bro's right!" Woohan came and chuckled. "He answered Magnesium instead of Manganese!" He laughed out loud, but Taehan was cool with Woohan's teases. It's true anyway, so he didn't have to defend himself.

It's break time and the three decided to go out and eat together. They headed towards the canteen and as they were walking, they passed by Yoona. Woohan waved his hand to greet their noona and smiled. She noticed them easily and waved back. It became awkward between her and Taehan. Her smile is for the three, but only Woohan waved back. Joonhyo is too shy to approach her back and Taehan is still awkward with her though it's been months.

"Where are you headed, noona?" Woohan asked.

"To Mr. Jo's office." She grinned wider and bid her see you to them.

"Whew, bro!" Woohan reacted and gave him a little laugh. He patted his brother's shoulder, teasing him over and over again, so Joonhyo just kept quiet.

"Joonhyo!" They stopped when their classmate appeared in front of them.

"Oh, hey." He smiled.

"Mr. Jo wanted to see you in his office." He was taken aback. He raised a brow and wondered why would their teacher want to talk to him. "He's got a very good news for you!" She then fled from them and left the three very puzzled. They're still wondering about what she had told them.

"You better go to the office." Taehan told him. "We'll wait for you inside the cafeteria." He said and started walking away from him with his brother. Joonhyo, still confused, went to their teacher's office to see him. He knocked on the door before going in.

He was pretty flustered to see Yoona inside the office with Mr. Jo. He blushed as usual and started stuttering when he greeted him and her. "Joonhyo-ah," Mr. Jo called him. He gulped and looked at him. "You'll be studying with Ms. Min here for the quiz bee. You've got the highest score in our test earlier, so you were chosen for the quiz bee." He grinned while Joonhyo was surprised. His eyes went wide and asked why him. His teacher laughed at his reaction and just told him to go with Yoona to start studying.

The two stepped out of the office. Yoona was smiling while Joonhyo is doing his best to stop looking like and idiot beside his crush. "So, where do you want to study?" She asked.

He nervously smiled and scratched his nape, "Y-You decide, noona."

She laughed a little, "Okay. Let's go to the cafeteria first. Let's go grab some lunch before studying. Is that okay?" He nodded slightly and they both headed towards the cafeteria. He doesn't know what should he do because he remembered that Taehan would be there. He doesn't want to be rude towards him by bringing his ex-girlfriend to the scene, but he's too shy and hesitant to tell her not to go there.

They arrived at the cafeteria where everybody stopped what their doing for Yoona's beauty. Woohan waved his hand in the air to catch their attention. "Noona!" He yelled. Yoona giggled and went to their direction since she's close with Woohan and she's not that bitter after her break up with Taehan.

"Hey, Woohan." She greeted and waved at Taehan, but he didn't respond. "We're just going to eat and go study for the quiz bee."

"Wow! I knew that Joonhyo would be chosen!" Woohan bumped his fist with Joonhyo while Taehan remained silent. "You should eat with us!"


"We would definitely do that." Yoona cut off whatever Joonhyo had to say. "We'll be back." The twin nodded and watched their noona walk away with Joonhyo.

"Tss. Why did he have to bring her here?" Taehan whispered, but his twin heard it.

"They're hungry." Woohan reasoned. "And stop with your bitter stuff, bro. You broke up for a long time already!"

"Whatever." He hissed and continued eating. He intentionally ate fast, so that he wouldn't be joining Yoona and Joonhyo. As if on cue, he stood up when Joonhyo and Yoona arrived. "I'll go to my training. Chanbin's waiting for me." Taehan took his bag and stepped out from the scene. Everybody in their school knows that there had been a thing between him and Yoona and seeing him act like that made an instant issue.

Yoona rolled her eyes, "Your brother is still bitter?" She asked.

Woohan giggled, "Taehan is still broken."

That statement of Woohan made a complete opposite of Joonhyo's perspective. He thought that Taehan is still bitter after what happened, but he didn't even think that Taehan may be bitter because he's broken.

He secretly glanced at Yoona. His heart hurted. He wants Yoona for himself, but he doesn't want Taehan to be more hurt if they're going to be together in the future.

Maybe I should erase these feelings. He thought. He's intelligent, but at this situation, he doesn't know what to do anymore. I'm just a complete third wheel in their relationship, anyway. He sighingly thought.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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