t h i r t y - o n e - special chapter

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"Annyeong!" Jeonghan, with a bouquet of blue roses in his hand, made a surprise visit in Jeongyeon's recording studio. She was with a host when Jeonghan greeted everyone. He even brought boxes of pizza and chicken to everyone in set.

Jeongyeon shyly excused herself and stood up to greet her husband. He welcomed him with a peck on her lips which made her blush. She hit his chest lightly, "Why did you do that?" She's not angry. She's just shy because everyone saw their sweet scene.

"It's a greeting, wifey." She finds it cringey and funny at the same time whenever Jeonghan uses that endearment towards her. "Why don't you all get a break? I brought some good stuff!" Jeonghan said and attended to the other people's needs. Jeongyeon just looked at him, smiling. She watched her husband care for other people. This is one of the reasons why she loves Jeonghan so much. He's considerate, caring, loving, sweet and kind. He's just a good man. She even thought that she doesn't deserve such good guy. She has done a lot of bad things and made a lot of bad decisions in life, but Jeonghan never left her for those.

Jeonghan placed a pizza on a plate and walked over Jeongyeon. He handed her a slice and a cup of Coke. "Thanks, hon." Jeongyeon took the plate and cup from him and started eating. She can hear thank yous from various people on the seat. The host can't even stop thanking Jeonghan for the food that he brought.

"Have you heard?" Jeonghan stepped towards Jeongyeon and ate his chicken leg with her.

"What?" She asked.

"Tzuyu is on labor for about 5 hours now." She's shocked. Tzuyu has been enduring pain for about 5 hours and she can't even believe it. "She's a tough girl. She can endure it."

"Where's Jungkook?"

"He skipped work to help Tzuyu breathe." Jeonghan smiled at Jeongyeon. He wanted to tell her his plans about having a family, but having a celebrity as a wife is not that easy. He can't just impregnate Jeongyeon because he wants a family with her. He considers her schedule and her body. She must've been tired from her busy schedule. She sometimes have a schedule abroad. It would take him a week to wait for her before she gets back. It's sad in his part, tho.

"What?" She giggled.

"Nothing. Your eyes gleam for the nth time. It's flirting with me as always." She chuckled and just shook her head sideways. "You better finish that later. Your director is readying everything again for your shoot."

"I can finish this is one more bite, hon."

"That's 3/4 of the pizza, wifey. You can't finish that in a single bite--" What he thought is wrong because Jeongyeon ate it, shameless. He gave her her soda right away and watched her munch the pizza. "Oh, poor pizza." After that, she went to the set with the host and continued their shoot. Jeonghan stayed at the set because he doesn't have any more things to do at 1 AM. He just sat in a corner for a while and watched the recording.


"Hon, honey." Jeongyeon shook Jeonghan repeatedly so he would wake up. He blinked his eyes a few times and stretched his arms out. She smiled and kissed his forehead, "Let's go now."

"What time is it?" He stood up from the monoblock chair and stretched more.

"It's 3 AM."

"What?" He suddenly remembered that he has to go to work at 6 AM. He has 3 hours to get ready to work or else his boss will fire him. He rushed towards the elevator and told Jeongyeon to enter right away. Her assistant came along with them inside.

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