t w e n t y - f o u r

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When the couple heard the baby's cries, they were more than happy. They felt overwhelmed just by seeing how their kid stretch his arms and hands while crying out loud, just how normal babies do.

"The baby will be put in the incubator since he's premature." The doctor said, in which Taehyung overheard. He knows that he's going to need some money because the fee for the incubator is pretty expensive, but if it is for the betterment of his son, then it's okay for him to spend his money.

Sana was put to sleep and was transferred to a room while Taehyung went with a nurse because he was asked to name the baby. He doesn't know what he should name him because they never talked about it for some time.

"Kim..." he trailed. "...Taekwon." He answered. "Kim Taekwon is a pretty good name, right?" The nurse smiled and nodded. Taehyung smiled back and just watched his son inside the incubator. Taekwon overjoys Taehyung's heart. Taehyung just can't believe that he is finally a dad. He promised to himself that he will not be like his father.


"Kim Taekwon?" Nayeon read Taehyung's baby's name. Her smile got wider as she looks at the baby. "Oh my gosh! He's so cute!"

"Taekwon suits him." Mina said and watched the baby as well. As soon as they heard that Sana already bore the baby, they went to the hospital right away to see the baby. It's baby whom they're concerned with, not Sana.

"I'll ask Yoongi to donate some sperm!" Nayeon claps, her eyes are fixed on Sana's baby.

"The average birth spacing is 2 years." Dahyun interrupted and waved hi to the baby. Nayeon pouted and counted with her fingers how old Yoona is. "Yoona is just a year old, Nayeon." She frowned because Dahyun calculated faster than her. She's the mother yet she doesn't know how old Yoona is.

"That means you still have to wait for year before getting yourself pregnant. Right, honey?" Jimin asked Dahyun and gave her a backhug. Dahyun just nodded and watched the baby with her fiancé. She wants to have a family as well. Nayeon has a baby already and so does Sana. Tzuyu is 2 months pregnant and Mina already adopted a kid since she's barren. Seeing her friends considering about making a family envies her because Jimin never opened up a topic like that to her. She pouted at the thought.

"Do you want to have a baby?" Jimin whispered to Dahyun, but Nayeon and Mina heard it. They looked at the two right away and remained silent.

"Why did you just ask me that question now?" Dahyun asked in a serious manner. He held her hands from the back and buried his face on her neck. Mina and Nayeon want to tell them that they're inside a public place and people have been eyeing the two whenever they pass by.

"I just had the thought now." He chuckled and returned to being serious. "Do you want to?"

"Of course, I want to." She answered.

"Okay, I'll get a check up soon." Her eyebrows furrowed when Jimin said that he'll do a check up. She faced him with a confused face.

"What do you mean by check up?"

He sighed. His eyes are shaking and his lips are trembling. He doesn't know how will he confess it to her. "Honey," Jimin gulped. He looked at Nayeon and Mina, but the two are just there to give him some moral support. "I'm a barren man." He whispered. He hates to admit it to his fiancé, but he has to. She has the right to know it. She must know it.

She gulped. Barren means he's unfertile. It means that her partner won't be able to give her a child because of hus condition. "Is that so?" Jimin sighed and nodded. Dahyun smiled and held his hands. "It's okay." She nodded and cupped his cheeks. "Don't feel guilty of it. We're not the only couple who has rhis kind of problem, okay? We'll sort it out." Jimin nodded his head slightly and looked away from her. Dahyun's smiles widened. She tiptoed to reach his forehead to kiss him.

"Oww, that's too much sweetness. We'll get diabetes from the two of you." Nayeon laughed to make the atmosphere lighter. Dahyun looked at Mina because this is how Jin felt when he found out that Mina is barren as well.

"I'll excuse myself for a while." Dahyun said.

"Where are you going, hon?" Jimin asked.

"I'll go to the comfort room. Don't worry, I'll be back in a flash." He nodded and then Dahyun asked Mina to go with her.

"Oh, Tzuyu and the others just texted me. They're in their way here." They heard Nayeon say while they were walking towards the comfort room. As soon as they reached the restroom, Dahyun hugged Mina and cried on her arms.


Sana was 2 hours asleep and her friends already went to the nursery to see Taekwon inside his incubator. She then woke up and saw her parents beside her. Her dad is reading a fashion magazine and her mom is fast asleep on the couch. When Sana saw her dad, they had an eye contact. They both smiled and then her dad placed the magazine aside to talk with her daughter.

"How's your sleep?" He asked and caressed her daughter's hair. Sana smiled.

"Great." She answered. "Since when did you get here?" She asked, curious.

"An hour ago. Your mom is fast asleep. Maybe you're sharing the same dream." They both shared a laugh. "Taehyung is with your friends."

"They're here, too?" Mr. Minatozaki hummed a yes. "Wow, they didn't even bother saying hi to me."

"They wanted to check out Taekwon."

"Taekwon? Who's Taekwon?" Her eyebrowd are crossed hard. She have never known someone named Taekwon.

Mr. Minatozaki chuckled. "Kim Taekwon. That's what Taehyung named your kid." He answered. "You must've forgotten your kid's name."

She pouted. "We never talked about the name." She then sighed and tried sitting on her bed, so her dad helped her sit upright. "Can I see Taekwon?"

"I'll get a nurse." Her dad stood up from the monoblock chair and exited her room. She was left inside the hospital room with her mom. She looked at her mom and reminisced their moments back in the day. She's a mother now and she wanted to be the best mom that Taekwon could ask for. Seeing her mom gives her an overwhelming feeling since she's the one who gave birth to her and raised her properly all these years. She's just so thankful to have her as her mother.

Mr. Minatozaki came with a nurse and a wheelchair. She was transferred to the wheelchair. Mr. Minatozaki had to wake up his wife before they go to the nursery where Taekwon is. Mrs. Minatozaki wasn't informed on what's going on when she woke up, but when she saw Sana on a hospital gown and sitting on a wheelchair, she suddenly remembered why they came back to Korea.

She greeted her daughter with a kiss on her forehead and then they started heading towards the nursery. From afar, they can already see most of her friends waving their hands to her son even though he's asleep. Pabos. Sana thought and even chuckled. Taehyung saw his wide right away, so he ran towards her and greeted her. He kissed her for a split second as a greeting and smiled.

"You didn't tell me that you named him already." She frowned, but Taehyung laughed it off. "Nothing's funny."

"You're being grumpy again." He said and asked the nurse if he could push her instead. The nurse said yes and left her with her family and friends.

"Sana's here!" Momo said and gave way for their friend to see her son for the first time. As soon as she saw him, her tears just fell and her lips curved upwards.

"He's..." she paused. "...beautiful."

"I know," Taehyung said. "We're parents now." He whispered to Sana. Sana nodded. "Thank you for everything, hun."

"Welcome to the family, Kim Taekwon."


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