s p e c i a l c h a p t e r

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This is their children's special chapter and this happened before the epilogue. Enjoy reading!



Chanbin and Taekwon hopped off from the car and walked towards the hut where they can wait for their friends. It has always been that way since all of then reached their teens. They would wait for each other before going to their class.

When they went to the hut, they saw Taehan and Woohan, sitting beside each other. Taehan is eating some sort of snack while Woohan is using his phone. Both of them seemed to notice their hyungs, so they greeted them with a smile and a high five.

"You two are really early, huh?" Chanbin smiled and the twins nodded a yes. "Too terrified to be late again?" He sat with them and took some of Taehan's snack.

"Probably," Taekwon answered. "They had to do community service for being late and ditching classes." The four of them laughed. Taehan and Woohan always get their asses late since they're both slowpokes. Jeongyeon is usually ever so busy because of her career while Jeonghan is at home most of the time because of his work. He decided to work at home instead of the building, so he can look after his sons, too.

"How are you and Yoojin, Taehan?" Chanbin asked. Yoojin is Taehan's third girlfriend for the whole school year. He's that popular amongst the women in their campus. By the way, the campus where they were studying is BYP University, the same university where all of their parents met--of course, except for Jeonghan and Moonbin.

Taehan smirked and shook his head no, "We're officially over." He answered which shocked both Chanbin and Taekwon.

"What?" Taekwon reacted.

"Yes, my friends." Woohan put his arm around Taehan's shoulder. "My twin brother broke up with Yoojin because she doesn't like to watch football games."

Both of them laughed because of his invalid reason, "Are you nuts, Taehan? You two are like the best couple out there! You dated each other for about 3 months and that's the longest relationship that you've gone! Why would you ever--"

"--well, why stick up with someone who won't support you?" Joohee came out of nowhere and cut whatever Taekwon is saying. Taekwon's eyes rolled because of Joohee's sudden appearance. "Did you just arrive?" She asked.

Woohan answered, "They just did."

"Gosh, where's Minrin unnie?" Joohee asked.

Taekwon's ears heard his long time crush's name, so he had to react. "Why are you looking for her, huh? Do you like her?" He raised a brow which made Joohee burst out a laugh. Taekwon ever so hated the girl since childhood because she's always with his crush which made him think whether she's lesbian or not.  "What are you laughing at?"

Joohee stopped, "That's the most absurd question I've ever heard." She smirked and made an 'X' mark using both of her index fingers. "No, Mr. Kim. I am not a lesbian. I don't like Minrin unnie--"

"--It's very early in the morning to hear you guys mentioning my name." Minrin suddenly arrived, smiling from ear to ear, just like she usually does. Taekwon's annoying face turned happy when he saw the apple of his eye. "What's up?" She asked.

Taekwon acted like some cool kid, "Oh, nothing. Just enjoying the breeze." He smirked.

"We're under a hut, stupid. It's not even windy," Joohee burned him in which Chanbin, Taehan and Woohan reacted. Taekwon immediately gave her a death glare, but that didn't bother her. She finds it fun to see Taekwon in such way.

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