s i x t e e n

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Mei decided to give us a half an hour break. It's already 1 PM, yet we're still not having our lunch, so I nagged Jungkook to treat us food. He continuouslny rejected me at first, but I guess Tae overheard our conversation, so he teased Kook that his "wedding" is coming soon, so he has to treat us atleast something.

"Okay, fine! I'll buy you McDonald's!" Jungkook said in frustration, so we all laughed. Tzuyu laughed as well which made him more flustered. "Yah! Stop laughing!" He pouted, hoping that Tzuyu will stop and praise him for being such a cutie, but she just laughed even more. Wow, what a great fiancé.

"McDonald's? Dude, buy us something more of a food!" Hobi spanked Kook's butt, causing him to frown and throw a tantrum just like a kid. "What a killjoy."

"C'mon, let's just go to a pizza house." Momo held Hobi's hand and dragged him away from Kook because we all know that he's just going to tease him continuously. We headed to the nearest pizza place that there is. Me and Tae stayed silent as we hand-in-hand followed our friends. It seemed like Momo first arrived at the place because we're still a few meters away from the area when we saw her. Wow, she's really fast when it comes to food.

"I'm glad to finally see Tzu and Kook getting married." Tae said all of a sudden as we make our way to the pizza house. His grip tightened and then he faced me with a smile. "I want to see ourselves get married, too, soon."

"We both want that, Tae." I smiled. "Let's make that happen in the future."

"We should. I won't let myself die unless I'm married to you and we had kids already." We both shared a laugh and when we finally reached the place, we asked if we could get the VIP area, since there's so many of us. For sure, we will occupy the whole area if we'd eat with the other customers and we're just so noisy. They will eye on us. Plus, we have a superstar with us. Hobi will catch their attentions.

One of the servers led us to a VIP room and gave some of us their menus. Momo immediately grabbed it from him and asked Hobi about what she wants to have. I shook my heads sideways and laughingly asked Tae what he wants to eat. He picked out a few of his favorites, so I told him that I'd get the same. After settling all of our orders and waited for it to come, we had a talk with everyone else.

"Wow, the youngest one is getting married." Namjoon said and gulped his water. "Can't believe it."

"Same." Chaeyoung nodded and faced Dino. He furrowed his eyebrows as if he's asking why is she looking at him.

"What?" He asked.

"When will you ask me, huh?" Chaeyoung asked with full swag on her tone. Most of us laughed because of Chaeyoung's tone. She really wants to wed with him right away. I guess she doesn't want to let him go now.

"When I'm stable." Dino pulled her closer to him and let her head rest on his shoulder as he plays with her hair. Wow, what a sweet couple we've got here. "Don't worry, sweetie. I'm still earning, okay?" Chaeng hummed a yes and remained silent.

"Have you thought about it, Tae?" Hobi faced Tae. For sure, he's pertaining to the auditions. He really wants Tae to try auditioning because it'll be his big break ever if he's going to debut. I'm not opposed to the fact that he wants him to give it a try.

"I really don't want to do it, but my fiancé has been nagging me to try it atleast." He pouted which made him so cute. I suddenly want to pinch his cheek because of what he did.

"Wait, what's happening?" Nayeon asked. She and Yoongi came to the practice as well although both of them are very busy. They decided to let Yoona stay with a babysitter earlier, so they can atleast have one practice for my wedding.

"Hobi mentioned that Tae should try to audition for their company." I was the one who answered. They're now looking at me, probably asking for more explanation. "He doesn't want to."

"Why not?" Jihyo asked. The interest in her voice can be clearly heard. "You've got potential, Tae."

Tae sighed and looked at me, "I want to stay as a normal guy who does singing inside a bar. Being a celebrity is not for me. I want to be with Sana and our kids in the future. That won't be able to happen if I'd choose my career over her." I want to tell him that it's not choosing his career over me. It's for the both of us and even though he'd be a celebrity, I'd support him. His fans won't be able to do anything anyway since he's married by the time that he'd debut.

"It's not like that, Tae." Mina said. "For sure, Sana would support you being a celebrity." I smiled at what Mina said. She really does know me.

"I still don't know," Tae's shoulder fell. I can see how hesitant he is to choose between me and his career as a singer. I want him to chase his dreams for once. All throughout his life, he always think about what's best for me; not what's best for him. "I have to think about it." I can see Hobi's smiles after what Tae said. He's hoping that he's going to audition. "Oh, our food's here." Our faced glanced at the door when we heard its creak. Two servers started putting different variety of food on our table and then they left right away after placing the food.

"Bon apetit." Momo said and took the first slice of barbecue pizza. She really has a big stomach.

I scanned my eyes across the table to see the food that will delight me the first time I'd eat it, so I took some of the kimbap to taste it. The first time that I laid a slice on my tongue, I felt a bitter taste, so I placed it back on my plate. My heart started beating fast. I don't know why I suddenly had this reaction, so I excused myself from them.

"Where are you going?" Tae held my wrist before letting me go.

I smiled to assure him, "To the restroom. My bladder is going to explode any minute now, babe." They all made a soft chuckle at my joke. "I'll be back soon." He nodded and then I made my way to the restroom with my purse. As soon as I entered the area, I stared at myself through the big plane mirror. My eyes are shaking.

I felt my heart beat doubled all of a sudden. My hands automatically went to my stomach area. I knew in myself that there might be a cygote or a fetus inside of me, so I took out the pregnancy test from my purse. I don't know why I chose to bring it today. Such coincidence.

I entered one of the cubicles to test myself if there's life inside of me. After that, I waited for about five minutes to see a double red line on its small screen. Just like what I expected, there's a real life inside of me.

I felt different emotions.

I felt happy because finally, my dream to have a family is starting to come true. Tae won't nag me about having kids anymore. I felt nervous because I don't know how will I tell this to him although I know that he's going to be extremely happy after knowing this. I felt excited about the fact that we're going to raise our kid together.

I smiled at my reflection and went back to them after washing my hands.

"God, we're so worried!" Momo was the first one who stood up to hug me. Most of them almost finished eating. "Where have you been?!"

"Momo, are you the fiancé?" Tae was behind her with one of his eyebrows raised. I laughed a little and slapped her butt slightly.

"My man is getting jealous, Momo." She pouted and stepped back. Tae stepped forward towards me and held my hands. "Are you done eating already?" I asked him.

He shook his head slightly, "I was waiting for you. Where have you been?"

"To the restroom."

"You could've just said that Mother Nature called you." Jin said. I glared at him, but he just laughed at me. "Kidding."

"We're eating, Kim Seokjin. Shut up." Mina told him, causing him to just eat. I went back to my seat and started eating with them although some of them are done.


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