f o r t y - n i n e

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It's been some time since I last knocked on Taekwon's door, so I knocked and opened the door. I peeked on what he's doing and my baby boy is drawing something on his sketch pad. He's still 8 years old, but he has great eyes and ears for art and music.

That's what he likes the most. He would ask Tae to play some songs for him and he would ask him to teach him some songs and Tae would actually teach him some chords of his guitar.

Recently, he asked me to buy this sketch pad for him and a few coloring and painting materials because he said that he wants to practice painting since it's his hobby. He paints whenever he has free time because he doesn't go out that much unless he's got someone to play with like Minrin.

Minrin is 13 years old already and she's in middle school, so she doesn't have time to play with the other kids now. She's approaching puberty and the girl is becoming prettier and prettier.

"What's my baby doing?" I asked and sat beside him. It's been a long time since I had time with him. I'm always busy with work and with Taeha, so I'm not really laying my eyes on Taek these past few days...or weeks.

I smiled at him and pointed his drawing, "What's this...?" I went silent when I looked at his drawing. It's our family that he's drawing, but he's not there. My eyebrows furrowed, "Why aren't you there, baby?" I asked.

He shook his head and didn't bother to answer my question. In his drawing, we're all holding hands. Taeha is between me and Tae, but he didn't draw himself. "Where are you in this portrait, sweetie?" He sighed and placed the drawing aside, as if it's done already. I took the drawing and stared at it. "This is really beautiful, honey, but it's incomplete."

"It's complete." He answered.

"No, honey. Where are you in this drawing? You didn't draw yourself." I told him and then he looked at me. I was stunned to see his eyes puffy. It's like he cried.

"It's complete, eomma." He pointed his drawing of Tae, "There's appa," and then mine, "There's eomma," and then Taeha. "And Taeha." He finished his sentence without mentioning himself.

Seeing Taekwon now made me realize that he's noticing that all of our attention is on Taeha right now. That's why he hated to have a sibling because he doesn't want us to lose our sight from him.

"Taekwonie," I called him and cupped his face. "Don't ever think that we don't love you because our attention is always on Taeha. She's sick and she utterly needs an attention and care because of that." He started tearing up which overwhelmed me. I also cried because of his tears.

He sobbed, "I'm jealous of Taeha because she's always with you." He sniffed. "I-I always feel l-left behind..." I feel so sorry of Taekwon because he felt that way because of us. Taeha doesn't have any fault on this because me and Tae didn't give any of our attention to Taek. We're so focused on making Taeha happy that we forgot that we still have another kid that we must take care of.

I hugged Taek tightly, "Eomma and appa are sorry, Taekwon." I apologized with a faint voice and sniffed.

"I always f-felt unfair." He told me, so I continued to caress his head and kissed his temple.

"We promise to make it up to you, honey."


Taehyung got home at about 12 AM, but I still waited for him because I need to tell him whatever Taekwon had told me about earlier. I welcomed him on the gate and kissed him on his lips right after.

I led him to the bedroom and helped him take off his clothes. He looks pretty drained, so I told him to lay down on our bed and I will take care of everything.

After I finished cleaning up all of his things and clothes, I peeked at Taeha to see if she's having a seizure or not. Her eyes are still open, so I guess she's still awake. Dr. Oh told me that the baby might have some insomnia because of her illness, so Taeha is usually asleep when the morning comes. She then plays in the afternoon and we will practice her speech and walk. The same thing happens everyday. Even her seizures. The longest that she has any seizure was an hour and ten minutes, so it really worried me and my parents. We were about to call an ambulance that day, but she then stopped.

I went to bed and was about to tell Tae about our second eldest, but when I sat beside him, he's already fast asleep. He's even snoring, so I sighed and decided to sleep, too.

I stared at his face before closing my eyes. He'll be waking up at 2 AM again and start working. His schedule is always packed, so he has little of time to spare for sleep. He even considered 12 AM as one of his earliest bed time. He even doesn't come home because of his schedules.

I kissed his lips before dozing off.


I woke up early to prepare breakfast for my family. Tae already went to work, so I wasn't able to bid him good bye. He sent me a text message anyway and a post it on our room's door, so I guess that's enough.

"Good morning, cupcake." Dad kissed me on my forehead and took his water jug in the fridge since he's going to jog. It's one of his exercises every morning.

"Good morning, dad." I smiled.

"I'm gonna go now." He told me and headed to the door.

"You're going alone? How about mom?" I asked as I'm preparing Taekwon's lunchbox.

"She's doing Zumba." I chuckled when I heard his answer. They're really physically fit and looks after their own health, so I'm sure that their life have still a long way to go. "I'm going to go now, honey." I nodded and continued with what I'm doing.

As I was preparing the lunchboxes, I heard my phone ring, so I immediately answered it since the call is from Dr. Oh.

"You're so early today, doc." I answered as soon I picked up.

He chuckled from the other line, "Good morning, Mrs. Kim."

"Good morning, too, doc." I greeted back.

"I have some good news, Mrs. Kim." 

"What is it?" I suddenly felt nervous because some reason. I don't know why. He said that it's a good news, but I feel really uneasy.

"There is this hospital in the States where you can slower the progression of Dravet Syndrome. It might even cure her!" I gulped. I can't believe what he just told me!

"I-Is that real good news, doc?"

He laughed from the other line, "Yes, Mrs. Kim! The researchers there found the antidote for Taeha's illness!"

"Oh my god! Thank you, Dr. Oh!"

"I will text you the details."

"Thank you again!" After that, I ended the phone call and jumped in joy. I feel like crying because of too much happiness!

"Eomma?" Taekwon just came downstairs in his pajamas, still rubbing his eyes. I ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

"Taekwon-ah! Eomma is so happy!" I told him and cupped his cheeks. "Taeha will be okay soon!"

His eyebrows raised, "Really?" I grinned widely and hugged him again.

I feel like I'm in ecstasy right now! This is a miracle!

Oh, god, I must bring this news to Tae right now!


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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