f o r t y - e i g h t

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Everybody is very flustered because as soon as the kids came down, they told their parents that Taeha is shaking terribly, just like her birthday party last time. Mina was the one who told Taehyung, so he ran upstairs and asked his mother-in-law why did she suddenly have a seizure. Because of curiousity, his friends came up as well and peeked at Taeha.

"Tae, is she okay? Do you want us to call for an ambulance?" Jihyo asked, concerned of Taeha's current condition. The man looked at them with a bitter smile on his face and shook his head sideways.

"There's nothing much to worry about. She's gonna be fine soon. Thanks for offering help." He said and sighed. "Can we get some private time here, guys?"

"How about Sana? Do you want us to call her?" Jimin interrogated, but again, Taehyung said no. They had no choice but to do whatever he told him. They all went downstairs and as if on cue, they heard a car's engine. It is most probably Sana's.

Sana hopped off from the car and greeted their guests. She had to apologize for coming so late. "You guys must be starving! Why don't we eat now?" She asked, smiling. She's pretty confused upon seeing her friends' concerned look. They're also bewildered of what's happening. "What is it?" She added.

Jin pointed the stairs, "Tae's upstairs."

"Is that so?" She still doesn't get it. She doesn't know what are they trying to tell her. "What about it, then?" She asked.

Momo sighed, "Your daughter is shaking again, Sana. Just like what happened during her first birthday celebration. Don't you remember?" Sana petrified, but recovered immediately. She looked away from them, but still, she's smiling. She keeps on avoiding their eyes. "Aren't you going--"

"--Who's hungry?" Their eyes went to Taehyung who is walking downstairs with Taeha. The baby girl seemed okay right now. "Let's all eat!" They went to the garden where they will have dinner. The food were served by Sana's parents, since they don't have any house helpers. The other guys also helped them in placing the food on the table.

"You're acting strange, Sana." Hoseok suddenly told her as she waits for her turn to get some food.

Sana faked a laugh, as if she's so shocked to hear such words from a friend, "What? Me? This is my normal--"

"--We know you, Sana." Hoseok smiled. "If something's bothering you, there's more than 15 of us who is willing to lend an ear for you." He smiled and fled while she stood there, digesting what Hoseok had told her, so she decided to call them all and explain. "Guys," Sana called, so they looked at her and waited for her next words. "I have something to say." Taehyung thought that she would just tell everyone to enjoy the food because it's Taekwon's 8th birthday, so he let her talk.

Sana walked towards Taehyung side and whispered, "Hon, they're somehow confused why are we acting strange lately because of Taeha's condition, so I'm going to tell it to them." Taehyung sighed and just nodded. He thinks that it's also better for them to let out the secret.

Sana smiled sweetly, "We took Taeha last year to the hospital, regarding her condition. She had a high fever that day, so the doctors told us not to worry about anything." She explained. Her eyes are shaking as she was telling her friends a major problem that they were facing for about a year now. Taekwon, sitting on a chair, listened to what his parents were about to say. At first, he was excited because he thought that they would give him a birthday message, but they're still talkinh about Taeha. "And then, three days after, she kept on having seizures, so we took her to the hospital and then she was diagnosed with Dravet Syndrome." She paused. "Dravet Syndrome doesn't have any cure, but it has a treatment, so..." Her eyes suddenly got teary, so she sniffed and tried smiling. "...we're praying."

Her friends were in shock after hearing her explanation. They gasped because they didn't know that they're actually facing something big right now. They thought that they're just a normal and perfect family.

It was Taekwon's first time to see his parents cry because of his sister. He understood what they had told them, but he doesn't want to accept reality. It was hard for him since he's still a kid.


Taekwon's birthday party still ended happily, even though a sad news was announced earlier that night. He played with his friends to keem himself distracted. He doesn't know how will he approach Taehyung and Sana right now because they may be too busy of Taeha. He knows that his sibling needs more attention even though it makes him sad. He's still a little boy, someone who needs attention of his parents because he doesn't want to grow part from them.

Meanwhile, Taeha was taken to bed already, while the elderlies stayed outside to have some talk. They're too busy with their lives already that they barely call each other.

Jin and Mina is still running the restaurant that they built years ago and as Minrin gets older, they're wishing that she would want to take over the business for them. They can't lose the restaurant.

Jeongyeon is in a hiatus since she's on a maternal leave. She just gave birth to twins which made Jeonghan so happy. He never knew that they would make twins in one night. Well, lucky for them. The twins are both healthy baby boys and they named them Woohan and Taehan.

Tzuyu and Jungkook is as stable as always. They have enough money for Joohee's needs for school, but Joohee is a spoiled kid, which makes Tzuyu worry in the future because she may be dependent to them forever. Jungkook spoiled their princess, so she can't do anything anymore now that Joohee is growing older.

Yoongi and Nayeon are having trouble as a married couple as of the moment, but they're doing their best to be okay soon because they're aware that Yoona and Jiyeon can hear them every night, arguing about something.

Namjoon and Jihyo are getting ready to move into a house since they're living in a condominium unit these past years. Joonhyo is growing, so they decided to buy a house instead. They had their unit rented by some bedspacers if it's not in use.

Jimin and Dahyun are aging slowly and happily. As Dahyun had wished, Jimin didn't adopt any kid for them. They had accepted it years ago, but seeing their friends' kids run and play in front of them makes Jimin's heart sink. He wanted to blame himself for their unhappy future, but Dahyun told him already that it's okay and he's enough for her.

Moonbin and Chaeyoung moved to Jeju island along with their kid, Chanbin. They don't work in Seoul anymore. Instead, they made a company of their own in Jeju which is a strawberry farm. Her friends worried about them when they first told them their decision, but it turned out to be okay since they export a lot of strawberries and besides that reason, they want to get away from the fast lives from Seoul. Everything is always rushed and they feel like they're not living the best of their lives.

Well, Hoseok is getting older, but he's not stopping from performing his songs on music shows and awards. He kept on dancing and dancing and making music. He releases mixtapes as usual and his fanbase is becoming larger and larger. He usually flies to Japan and vice versa because of his projects there.

Meanwhile, Momo, on the other hand, continued her life in Korea. She has a dance school there, so she trains kids who want to be dancing prodigies. She still keeps on thinking about the answer that Hoseok gave him years ago about ending up together. We'll be in the same situation as now? What the fuck is that? She asked herself. She doesn't know why her heart sinks whenever he thinks of his ridiculous answer. She loves that dweeb more than her life.

Sana scanned her eyes through her friends and smiled. She laid her head on Taehyung's shoulder and interlocked her fingers with hers. She's thankful to have a group of friends like them.



Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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