Goodbye (pt 3)

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"But how are you here then? How are you dead and here at the same time? That isn't possible," Ashton hissed. He couldn't comprehend anything that was happening. It was all just too much for him to handle right now.

                "We can't really tell you Ash. You'll find out when it's your time," Luke said quietly, drying his tears on his jumper.

                "But we have something we need to tell you Ash," Calum said finally.

                "What is it lads," Ashton said, his voice calmer now.

                "We just need to tell you that you need to stop shutting everyone out Ash. You need to talk to someone or something. You can't live your life alone because of us," Michael said, sitting beside Ashton on the bench.

                "You also need to keep singing. You need to keep drumming your little heart out and sing as loud as you can. Make this your career. You are so good at it and you shouldn't give up on your dream just because of us. You are too talented Ash," Luke persisted.

                "I can't guys. I can't do any of this without you. We are 5 Seconds of Summer, not the drummer and the others. There is no way I can do this without you lads. You're my brothers," Ashton cried. Tears were now falling freely down his face. He couldn't survive without them. This band was the best thing that has ever happened to him and without that his life is absolute hell. This is his everything. His reason to live. He can't be without the boys.

                "Ash listen to me," Calum cried, "We are your brothers. We will always be here for you man. We just won't be here physically. I love you mate. We all do."

                The sound of their cries echoed through the air. Each lad burying his face in his hand, no other words being spoken. Ashton looked up at them. He loved these lads. He guessed he never truly realized it until now.

                "I love you boys," Ashton cried, "I can't do this without you."

                "Ash we need to go," Luke sobbed, glancing at Calum and Michael who nodded slowly.

                "No don't leave me! Please I can't do this without you," Ashton cried furiously. Horrendously loud sobs violently shaking his body as he tried to plead with his mates. He couldn't let them go. He just couldn't. They were here now. They were here and then they would be gone.

                "Ash I don't want our last minutes together to be like this. I want our last few moments to be like they used to be," Calum screamed, trying to wipe away the remainder of his tears away.

                "Nothing will ever be normal Cal," Ashton screamed loudly.

                "Let's sing Ash. Let's do it one more time. We need to leave soon and I don't want it to end like this," Luke said, trying desperately to smile.

                "Yea look our instruments are right here. One more time Ash. Let's do it," Michael added, pointing out the instruments that how somehow appeared in the middle of the park.

                "How the hell did they get here," Ashton hissed, the tears slowing done.

                "Being dead has its perks," Calum joked, pulling his bass up off the ground.

                Luke and Michael grabbed the acoustic guitars and Ashton sat on his drum, brushing away his tears and focusing on the moment.

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