Truth or Dare (Calum)

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So this happened....

Would anyone like to make me a cover for this book? Cause it only has cashton and it doesn't even have my name on it. I'm like failing here.

If you would like to DM me please (@bangdatash)!

Oh and if you also have any books you want me to read just comment them here<<<<<<

I'll try to give some shoutouts every once and a while 😊

First shout out: Aisle Five (luke au) ITS SO GOOD! Her twitter is @intoxicatingcal and idk what her wattpad name is but just look up that name and it's like the only one there!

Love you loads! Happy reading


"Truth or dare."

The question seemed simple at first, as most questions do. But this question, as I have learned, carries a lot more intensity then it lets on. Eyes focused on me, awaiting my response which was stuck in my head, turning itself over and over, waiting for me to pick the one that was most logical. Dare brings the chance of acceptance, but also the fear of the legitimate dare. Truth brings safety, but dissapointment from my peers. Now I know you think I'm exagerating, but take it from me, this game could be horrifying.

"We're waiting," Ashton jeered, leaning forward in his chair,

"Truth," I breathed finally, deciding on the safer of the two options.

I blushed as sighs floated around the circle. We were sat around a campfire, the fire blazing wildly in the center, some of us in chairs and some on the ground. I, on the ground, and Ashton, in a green lawn chair. He seemed to contemplate the situation, thinking about how to make the simple truth more interesting.

"If you had to pick one person in this circle," he began with a smirk, "to fuck who would it be and why?"

"Nice," Michael said, looking frankly surprised at his best friend, slapping him playfully on the back.

I stuttered nervously, looking around at the circle of my friends, before answering confidently, "Calum."

"Why," Calum shot back, looking almost defensive at me picking him.

"Because," I began to explain, "The only boys here are Ashton, Mike, Lucas, and you. Ashton giggles like a school girl, Michael is pratically a vampire, and Luke's legs are like the empire state building so really your the only logical choice."

"Hey," Ashton, Luke, and Michael cried in unision. They all tried to protest my accusations before agreeing reluctantly and deciding that I was indeed right. They argued a bit about how they would all be great fuck buddies but after a while they abondoned that conversation and turned back to me.

"Why Calum," Luke began, a devilish smirk on his face, "How do you feel about this?"

"What is that Dr. Phill," he scoffed, earing a laugh from me, "I don't need to answer to you!"

"Calum," Michael groaned, "Can we tell her."

"You tell her and I will shoot your balls," he hissed violently.

"Let's just move on shall we," I suggested, fidgeting anxiously in my seat. What did Calum need to tell me? God he probably hated me. That was it probably. God he probably hated me for making that comment and never wanted to talk to me again. Ok I need to calm down. I'm probably over exagerating? Someone for the love of god tell me I'm freaking out over nothing.

"Fine," Michael groaned, once again, before turning to Calum, "Okay since you just threatened me you do not get to choose what you pick. Y/N give him a dare."

"Oh okay," I nodded, turning back to the dark skinned boy, "Tell me what you wouldn't let Michael tell me."

"For the love of god," Calum groaned, followed by laughs from the rest of the group. Along with the boys a few of the people I go to school with were here, no one I was really that close with though. They didn't talk much, they were kind of like those extras you see in films that don't talk and just react to what is happening around them. Currently they were laughing, just reacting to Calum's discomfort.

"Just answer the question," I whined, getting a little agitated now.

"Come here," he hissed, grabbing my hand and dragging me away from the fire.

"You have sex in my bedroom and I will shoot you in the balls," Ashton yelled after us, earning a laugh from the 'reacters'.

"Shut up Ash," I shouted after him, trying to hide the pink froming on my cheeks as I followed Calum into the house. He led me into an empty bedroom, Ashtons I was assuming, "Do you want Ash to shoot you in the balls?"

"We aren't going to have sex Y/N," he hissed, plopping down on the bed and looking up at me, "Although I wouldn't be against it."

"Calum Thomas Hood you better tell me what the hell is going on now before I shoot off everyones balls," I hissed, sitting beside him on the bed.

"You remember last year," he began slowly, "when we were on that road trip for school?"

"Yea of course," I nodded, it was probably one of the best trips of my life. For more reasons than the destination.

"On the bus when your jacket was on the ground and it looked like someone shit on it and then you asked for mine, I was going to say no. I really was and I usually would, as you probably guessed from the look you shot me when I said yes. I don't know why I said yes but I did. I gave you that sweatshirt and you slipped it on and then everyone made fun of us until we got home," he spoke slowly, telling the story that I have replayed in my mind a billion times.

"Yea I remember," I laughed, "I still get made fun of for it."

"But when you slipped it on and you fell asleep in it later in that ride," he whispered again, holding my hand in his, "I found myself looking over at you, not being able to get that image out of my head. It just gave me a feeling that i never felt before and I think I liked it."

"What are you saying Cal," I murmured, looking down at my hand where he was currently playing with my fingers,

"I think," he whispered, "I think I really like you and I don't know what that means yet."

I nodded and looked into his brown eyes once more. They shown brightly, swirls of green pricking around the edges. I looked at him and him at me. It was that moment that I realized, for once in my life, truth and dare wasn't a total shit show and something actually went right.

"Cal," I whispered slowly, "I kind of like you too."

He nodded slowly and looked at me once more before grabbing my shoulders, pulling my close, and slamming his lips on mine. Every fiber of my being lit up like a Christmas tree and our breathing fell in sync, leaving me breathless.

We stayed like that for a while, nipping and tugging at eachothers skin, before I pulled away reluctantly, "Cal I love this I really do, but if I know those boys then they will come in like in 5 seconds and Ash will shoot you in the balls then make fun of us for the rest of there lives."

"Point taken," he nodded, standing up from his seat, "So how do you feel about batman and pizza? This Friday night."

"I think I can deal with that," I smiled, holding his hand sweetly.



"Y/N," he asked, his voice getting serious once more.

"What is it Cal?"

"Next time we play truth or dare can you not tell me you'll fuck me. My pants are awfully uncomfortable right now."

"Your such a pervert," I laughed, racing away from him.

"But you love it."

"I think I do."

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