The Art of Banding (Luke)

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I sat down, pencil in hand, ready to write. Thoughts whirling through my head at a mile per hour, yet none seemed good enough.

I worked at a huge publishing company, one of the largest in Australia, and I was currently before forced to write a brilliant novel.

Of course I've written things before, just nothing this long and this quickly. They wanted it before Christmas which was exactly a month and ten days away. Except I was going on holiday over the break so that only gave me a month and three days. In other words, I was incredibly stressed.

"Come on," I hissed under my breath, begging my brain to think of a decent idea.

"Hey babe are you okay," a familiar voice asked, accompanied by heavy footsteps entering the room.

"No," I groaned, falling back against my chair dramatically, "I have to write a fucking novel and it has to be perfect or else I'm going to lose my job!"

"Do you like want to lose it because I could arrange that," he said cautiously, trying to lighten the mood.

"Luke," I warned, totally not in the mood for his jokes.

"Babe," he sighed sitting down in a chair across from me, "Anything you write will be genius."

"But I have no idea what I'm gonna write about," I complained angrily, "I'm not good at this."

"Mary your obviously good at this if you work there," he reasoned logically. Luke of course was always logical.

If you thought I was serious there you may need to fix something because Luke Hemmings is almost never logical. He is the most instinctive person I have ever met and that, is why I love him.

"Point taken," I sighed angrily, "but I need some sort of idea by Monday because that's when the overview of my book is going to be reviewed and as of now I have nothing."

"Okay how about this," he said finally, after a few moments of contemplation, "the boys are coming over late because we have some banding to do..."

"Banding," I laughed, cutting him off, "Luke we have been over this! You can't just make up words, trend it on twitter, and pretend it's official. There's this thing called a dictionary and like this whole process."

"Babe," he said, placing a hand firmly on my shoulder, "Who actually uses a dictionary these days."

"Everyone at my work," I countered quickly.

"Okay that's it you can't work there anymore," he said finally, trying to hide his small smile.

"And why is that," I laughed loudly, shaking my head as his childlike confidence. Sometimes I think I'm dating a 5 year old.

"Because you know to many smart people and I like being the smartest person you know. It's a personal achievement of mine."

"Luke you are NOT the smartest person I know," I laughed. God that boy was hot headed sometime.

"Then who is," he asked, pretending to be dreadfully hurt by my comment.

"Ashton," I said simply before standing up, just as the doorbell rang, "I'll get it!"

"I'm smarter then Ashton," he grumbled under his breath before following me to the door.

"Hey Mary," Calum called as soon as the door opened.

"Hey Cal," I laughed, allowing the boys in.

"So this girl," Luke began, throwing his arm around my shoulder, "does not believe banding is a word."

"It's totally a word," Ashton yelled immediately.

"Yea it's a 5SOS original," Michael agreed.

"You guys are idiots," I mumbled, a smirk evident on my lips.

"Yea but that's why you love us," Calum cooed adorably. God I swear that boy was like a puppy.

"No I only love Luke," I protested jokingly, "the rest of you are tolerable."

"And I love you," Luke whispered, kissing my cheek roughly.

"Get a room," Ashton groaned before adding, "But after practice. We got some banding to attend to."

"It's not a real word," I called after them as they made there way down to the basement.

"Yes it is," Calum called over his shoulder.

"Mary why don't you come with," Ashton suggested, beckoning me to follow them.

I considered arguing, telling them I had writing to do, but I decided against it in favor of, well, I wanted to listen.

I followed them down the stairs, catching up with Luke and sliding my hand into his, "So what song do I get the honor of hearing."

"Beside you," Luke said finally, deciding for the group, "that's your favorite right?"

"That's mine too," Ashton cheered, high fiving me roughly.

"Sounds good," I smiled, kissing Luke's cheek after high fiving Ashton.

We went downstairs and the boys set up quickly, having left most of their things here from the previous 'banding' sessions.

They began to play, beautifully as always, and it was perfect. They way they got so into it and were so passionate yet they were still the same 4 idiots well it was, mesmerizing.

"Did ya like it," Luke asked hopefully, he was always so nervous about feedback even thought 99% of the time it was good.

"Yea," I said slowly, suddenly an idea popped into my mind, "You guys keep playing. I need to get to work."

"Babe you don't need to stress yourself out," Luke began before I cut him off.

"No I actually have an idea this time," I smiled, racing up the stairs and to my office where the pencil was still laying on top of the pad of paper.

I took the pencil into my hand and touched it to the paper, the words suddenly flowing out of me. A few hours later, the boys were gone and I was still writing away.

"What you writing babe," Luke asked, walking into the room.

"A novel," I answered simply, continuing to write.

"Oh yea what's it called," he asked, looking over my shoulder.

I pulled away so he could see the 4 words printed in neat, bold letters at the top.

The Art of Banding

"Told ya it was a real word."

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