Sex In The Pool (Cal)

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So this is for @meykee_xx

Hope you love it


"Cal for fucks sake we need to go to practice," I whined, pulling the taller boy along. His hair was flat but his eyes were energetic, body almost jumping with excitement.

"Chill out Meyke," he laughed, grabbing my hand in his as we walked out of the locker room and into the pool area. Calum and I were both on the swim team for our school and we were supposed to have practice today but for some reason no one was there.

"What the hell Cal," I said, glaring at him, "you told me we had practice today!"

"I lied," he said simply, yanking off his shirt and taking a running leap into the pool.

"Calum get out of there," I hissed, looking around frantically, hoping no one would see us.

"Aw come on you never call me Calum," he whined, a sheepish smirk implanted on his face.

"Yea I do when your being a complete dumbass," I shouted into the water, where Calum was nearly torso deep in chlorine.

"Come be a dumbass with me," he smirked, lifting his hand out of the side of pool, beckoning me into the murky blue water.

"We could get expelled," I whispered, my glare faltering at how god damn how he looked right now.

"No ones here," he whispered tauntingly, "Just come in. Live a little babe."

I looked around and sighed before pulling off my shorts and yanking the ponytail out of my hair.

"Now don't go too crazy on me," he laughed as I leaped into the pool, causing water to splash all over him.

"Way to go," he laughed, splashing me back.

I laughed back and wrapped my arms around his neck, enjoying the moment for what it was. "You look good," I smiled, blushing wildly.

"On a scale from 1-10 how hot am I," he smirked, winking flirtatiously.

"Don't get cocky Hood." I warned, trying to hide my smile before adding, "So how do you know we won't get caught."

"Something's you just know," he smiled, kissing me lightly.

"But we could get expelled if we get caught," I persisted, still scared out of my mind.

"Babe just take a minute. We're alone. In a building. In water," he said slowly, moving his lips closer.

"Calum Thomas Hood we are not gonna have sex in the school pool," I shouted, wincing at the loud echo it made.

"Please," he whined, pulling me closer to him.

"No," I argued, "I have standards and sex in the pool doesn't quite mean up with them."

"Fine," he sighed in frustration. Sexual frustration.

Suddenly I heard noise coming from the hallway, "Is someone in the pool?"


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