Graduation Day (Luke)

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Hey! This imagine is for @ItsMashtonCake
Hope you enjoy


"Luke," I whined, desperately trying to awaken the blonde boy, "We need to go."

"5 more minutes," he growled, causing butterflies to zoom in my stomach. God his morning voice was hot, I could listen to it all day. It only sucks because as the name implies, it only happens in the morning. Plus, we really need to get going.

"Luke your graduating today and you kind of have to make a speech so please get the hell out of bed," I hissed, my voice filled with annoyance. I mean come on, it's his graduation day. He is fricken valedictorian, why isn't he as excited as I am.

"Can I at least have a good morning kiss," he smirked, shifting himself so his, now open, blue eyes were focused on me.

"Ew no your breath smells awful," I laughed, nudging him playfully, "Brush your teeth or at least chew some gum or something because you smell like you ate shit last night."

"Your mean you know that," he laughed, getting out of band and stumbling towards the bathroom.

"But you love me," I jeered as I began to get ready.

"You wish," he called back. Except it was more of a mumble because he was currently taking my advice and wiping the shit out of mouth.

"Asshole," I hissed, only loud enough so he could hear.

I could hear him laugh from the restroom and I smirked in response. Before he could come back and try to kiss me, I pulled on a sundress and did my hair, curling it into tight ringlets.

"Ready babe," I called, grabbing my purse off the dresser, "We have got to get going!"

"One second," he called as he walked out, fumbling with his tie.

"Do you need help," I stuttered, slightly taken aback by how good he looked in those khakis and dress shirt. But let's be honest here, every guy looks better in khakis. It's like science or something.

He nodded and walked over to me, "You know after 17 years of living I should really know how to tie a tie."

"Babe," I whispered, kissing him gently, "do guys ever actually know how to tie a tie?"

"Point taken," he nodded, not even bothering to argue, "Now come on we need to go!"

"I told you that ages ago," I yelled in disbelief, god he was an asshole, "Tell me why I love you again?"

"Because I'm amazing," he smiled, kissing me lightly, the butterflies returning once more.

"No that's not it," I murmured, pretending to think why on earth I could love this fool, "but we seriously need to go."

"Let us go then," he laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door. According to him his cap and gown was at the school, hopefully he was right. I mean how awkward would that be.

We jumped in the car and raced towards the school because it was only then we realized how late we actually were.

"Hey we didn't die," he cheered jokingly.

"Thank The Lord," I mumbled sarcastically, climbing out of the car.

"Hey Angella," a familiar voice called, "Hey Luke."

"Hey Cal," Luke smiled, high-fiving the other boy.

"How's the speech coming," he asked thoughtfully, out of Luke's friends I've always liked Calum the most.

"It's coming," he nodded, which I and everyone who knew Luke meant that he hasn't started it yet.

"Cal excuse us but he's got a speech to write," I interjected, guiding Luke away and into another spare room.

"I was having a conversation," Luke hissed, plopping down in a random chair.

"And you also have a speech to write," I countered, sitting across from him.

"I have it written," he argued.

"Fine," I nodded, "then let's practice. Go."

He nodded and stood up before opening his mouth to speak, "It's been 4 years. 4 great, chaotic years. I have seen most of you grow up, some of you for the better ad some for the worst. However now our time is over, one chapter closed and other one is about to open. That's the great thing about life I guess, it's never boring. As soon as you finish one adventure, another one is there, waiting for you to find it. I mean think about it. In a decades time one of could be president, the first to live in an underwater colony, heck we could even be the ones to figure out time travel. We are the future and, god help us all, everyone is counting on us to better the world. So as we leave this building, our homes, our friends, our families, I ask you all to make the most of the next chapter. To make something of yourselves because god knows we can. Good Luck."

"Wow," I whispered as he stood before me sheepishly before racing up and throwing my arms around his neck and placing my lips on his.

"You like it," he asked, kissing my forehead again.

"Love it," I responded, pulling us together once more.

We graduated later that day. Luke rocked his speech, we both got diplomas, and even Luke's band played. They played this new tune called Rejects, the teachers got a real kick out of that one. All in all it was a really fun time. I mean WE FINALLY DID IT!

After the graduation we had the stereotypical grad party at Luke's house. It mostly consisted of me and Luke sneaking off and reminiscing about the past few years, with the occasional make out session in between.

We were going to be near each other, in college I mean, but it won't ever be the same. Hopefully, as Luke had put so poetically after one of our many make out sessions, "this chapter of our lives will be the best one yet." And by god I hope he's right.

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