The Fault In Our Wedding (Ash)

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So this is for @irwinsperfx

Hope you love it!

It was a rainy morning. Flowers were crushed under the beating rain, clouds stormed the sky, and the rooftop was drenched in the cold liquid. A sigh escaped my lips as I stared out the window, glaring at the horrific sight on the other side of the glass.

"So what if it's raining," my best friend spoke, her words quiet and comforting, as she made her way over to me. I looked at her for a brief moment before turning back to the window, wiping tears from my eyes. "Aw don't cry," she said, wrapping a protective arm around me, "Today will still be perfect."

"It looks like the world is ending outside," I yelled finally, "and you can't really have an outdoor wedding in the midst of the apocalypse."

"I don't think you should really be having any wedding during the apocalypse," she trailed off quietly, laughing slightly at the end. I was unamused
"Okay okay," she said quickly, "but we can have it inside? It'll be amazing I promise."

"It's not the same," I whined. Now I know I was being a bit dramatic but it was my wedding day after all, I deserve to be pissed off.

"What can I do for you babe," she said quietly, looking me into my eyes cautioulsy, "I'll do anything."

I nodded and sighed. I thought about that statement, turning it over in my mind, before saying the only thing that would even remotely help me right now, "Ashton. Get Ashton."

"But you're in your wedding dress," she said, stating the obvious as usual, "it's bad luck or some shit." I glared at her, totally unconvinced by the bad luck shit. She took a deep breath and stared at her friend, hoping she would get the hint. Luckily she did. "Oh okay I'll go get him," she said quickly, hustling out of the room, hopefully to get Ashton.

A few minutes later the hero himself strolled into the room, "Hey babe. What's up?" I looked at him and felt a smile grow onto my face. I got up from my seat and wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"This sucks, " I said finally walking over to him. I kissed his cheek softly before falling into his arms, enjoying his arms enclosing me protectively.

"It'll be fine Maryssa," he said quietly, whispering into my hair, "It;s just a little rain. We will stay have the best god damn wedding anyone will ever have been to. Everyone's all set up in the banquet hall and the boys are psycnhed to walk down the aisle. Hell even Luke and Paige are on good terms."

Paige was Luke's girlfriend and they always seemed to be fighting. It was always about the stupid things too but there relationship was weird. I think it was more of a personality thing because god damn they were adorable when they made up.

"I just," I stuttered, "I just wanted this day to be perfect you know? This is the one day that was supposed to be amazing."

"Nothing is perfect," he replied, looking into my eyes, "But this is going to god damn as near as perfect as we can make it. I love you and that's all that matters. Okay?"

"No. I refuse to go all Fault in Our Stars with this," I protested with a smile.

"What the hell is that," he argued with a laugh, his hazel eyes lighting up with happiness.

"You've never heard of that,' I laughed loudly. It felt good to laugh again, "It's like the best movie of all time."

"Oh wait its the one about cancer right," he asked, naive as always, "Yea I heard that was decent."

"Wow," I groaned, wrapping my arms around his neck, "I love you Ash. Thanks for this."

"I love you too," he said quickly, "Now can we get married already?"

"Sure," I laughed, "Now leave so I can get all prettied up."

"You already are."

"Get out you cheeseball," I laughed, pushing him out of the room, "You look hot in a tux by the way."

"You can admire it later when you take it off," he winked before strolling down the hallway.

I laughed to myself and walked over to the mirror. I fixed my makeup quickly before hurrying out of the room and down the hallway. I met up with my friend, as well as some of the other bridsemaid, and got ready to go down the hallway.

"You ready for this," my best friend asked, smiling cheerfully at me.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I smiled back, grasping my bouquet in my hand. The music began to play and the doors began to open. I started my walk down the hallway, a little pep in my step, just thrilled for this to happen. I looked at Ashton at the end of the aisle, tears sparkling inhis eyes. He was beautiful, hot, sexy, and god damn every other positive adjective you could imagine. The cermony went well. We said our vows and Ashton made my and everyone else laugh with his cheesiness, as always. The cermony was actually better than I could ever imagine. Ash's band played an amazing set and our first dance was magical.

Now we're in the car and heading off to Dubai, the place for our honeymoon. Tonight should be a good one, but you don't wanna hear about that? Or do you?

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