The First Show (Luke)

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This one is for @lukespoes and tbh I got very emotional during it (especially the Alex from ATL stuff like oh my god that was painful)

Hope you like it :)


"Come on," Calum begged, practically on his knees at this point, "Just come to the gig. It's our first one and we need all the support we can get. You won't regret it I promise!"

"Cal," I sighed heavily, "I have work and I just started the job. I can't ask for the night off now!"

"Suzie," he chucked softly, "you work at Target and as far as I know no one is exactly lining up to get that job. They won't fire you."

"Hey how did you get off anyway? You suck," I laughed. Cal and I worked at target together, have been for a few days now, and god damn that boy has broken so many things it's not even funny.

"Told ya," he said with a smirk, "It's not like people are lining up to get the job."

"Really Cal," I asked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief, because frankly having no one would be better than having Calum Hood.

"Okay I told him my grandma died," he admitted finally, "but then I may have told him your my cousin and we both needed off to mourn for our beloved late grandma."

"Calum," I shouted, somewhat angrily, "you can't just go around killing my grandma!"

"But you have off now," he reasoned with a smile, "so you can come to our gig and bring all your friends."

"I hate you," I grumbled, scowling at his cocky expression.

"Love you too," he said jokingly before adding, "oh yea and I want you to meet my band!"

"If you try to set me up Calum Hood I swear to god I will punch you," I hissed, rolling my eyes in annoyance.

"You'll like this one," he argued, causing me to roll my eyes once more, "he's everything you've ever wanted. He's tall, blonde, blue eyed, and he even plays the guitar!"

I paused for a minute. Okay maybe this wouldn't be too bad. I mean that's exactly my type and if he's Calum's friend he must have the same sense of humor, which is one of my favorite things about Calum.

"Fine," I reluctantly agreed, "but if he turns out to be a creep I am leaving and never talking to you again."

"Deal," he nodded in agreement before walking me away, murmuring something about having to get to band practice.


Late that night I was in my room, deciding what I should wear to Calum's gig. I mean if I was gonna meet a hot guitarist I needed to look good.

I finally decided on some ripped jean shorts and a band tee, Greenday of course. I brushed out my hair and applying some makeup before sliding on my vans and racing out the door.

It only took me a few minutes to get there, considering the pub was extremely close to my house. I strode in, taking a seat at the front. Cal told me there was supposed to be like 200 people here, but from the looks of it, there was like 12.

"Suzie," Calum called from behind the ratty curtain that was drawn across the makeshift stage. I looked up to where e was beckoning me and I quickly ran towards him.

"Dude what happened to the 200 people that were supposed to be here," I laughed, punching him playfully on the shoulder.

"Don't be a bitch Suzanne," he argued, punching me back, "they'll come."

They didn't come.

"Hey I want you to meet my band," Calum said, dragging me back into there makeshift dressing room. In there stood three guys. Two with long brown hair that was cut into massive fringes, and one blonde boy. Calum was right, he was exactly my type.

"Lads," Calum spoke, causing all the boys to turn around, "this is Suzie. Suzie this is Michael, Luke, and the newest addition: Ashton."

"So your Suzie," the one called Michael smirked, giving the blonde one called Luke a wink.

"Shut up Mike," Luke grumbled, looking at me shyly.

"Ash, Mike," Calum said after a few minutes of awkward silence, "come help me set up the stage."

"Okay," the one called Ashton nodded before glancing at me, "Nice to meet you Suzie."

"Nice to meet you too," I replied politely, watching the three boys leave, leaving me alone with Luke.

"Hey," he said awkwardly, to which I awkward smiled back. "So your Calum's friend," he asked.

"Yep," I nodded before quickly adding, "he's my best friend." I emphasized the last part in hopes he would understand he wouldn't be moving in on his best friends girl so he could make some sort of move.

"He's told us lots about you," Luke said again, seemingly more comfortable this time.

"Cal told me a bit about you too," I added, even though he hadn't. Not really anyway.

"Well did you like what you heard," he asked hopefully.

"Yea," I smiled, partially lying cause I knew nothing about this boy other than he was hot as shit.

"I like your shirt," he said suddenly, a smile growing on his face now, "you into Greenday?"

"Yea they're one of my favorite bands," I said happily. Hey at least he has good music taste.

"Who else do you like," he smiled before awkwardly adding, "as in bands."

"All Time Low is great," I added with a smile, "how about you?"

"Well you just named some of my favorites. Alex is honestly one of my heroes. My dream is to write with him someday," he said, a whimsical look on is face.

"I bet you will," I added encouragingly.

"No I won't," he laughed, as if I just suggested he play his guitar naked, "We suck."

They didn't suck.

We doesn't the rest of the time talking about our favorite bands until Ashton came running back and pulled Luke away, saying it was time to 'rock out'.

The show was phenomenal. They played Lego House, which was one of my favorites (mostly cause Luke sang the whole thing) and some Hot Chelle Rae. It was actually amazing.

Afterwards we all went out to dinner to celebrate 12 whole people not booing them off stage. After that Luke asked me out and I said yes.

God I'm glad Cal killed off my grandma.

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