Savenger Hunt (Luke)

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This is for @Arcticash_

I hope you like it because I really do!


It was early morning, the sun barely peaking over the horizon. I was curled up in bed, hugging my oversized pillow to my chest, yawning sleepily. I don't know why I was up so incredibly early, something just felt off I guess. The warmness I usually felt every morning when I woke up was gone, leaving me shivering and lonely.

I shifted over to my side, sighing heavily as I noticed the empty space next to me. Where the hell was that boy? If I was more awake and less sleep deprived I would probably have been more concerned about my boyfriends absence, but instead I sat in bed, thinking about where he could be.

That's when I realized the envelope, situated a little too nicely on the pillow next to me. It had my name on it, printed in nice big letters, and I felt a smile over take my face. I sat up happily, even in my tired state, before ripping open the envelope.

I don't know if you remembered but today's our 5 year anniversary. God it's been a long ass time. We've been together for half a decade babe! We did it!
This time 5 years ago I was a student, bored and done with life. Then I had a class with the most beautiful girl in the world, who then slept with my best friend, and that's when I met you ;). Just kidding it's always been you Al.
Anyway I planned something super special for today and I'm sorry I won't be there when you get up! I know you'll have your pillow to make up for me not being there anyway (your obsession with that thing is a real turn off Al....just kidding....kinda). Love you to the moon and back.


P.S. You're probably really confused as to where we're gonna meet....but I know you'll figure it out.

What the hell does that mean? Why can't that boy just tell me things for once. It was too early for this.

I sighed heavily and read the letter over and over again, hopefully finding the clue to where I was supposed to go. Finally it hit me.....THE PILLOW! Luke wouldn't just mention the pillow out of no where, he hated that thing, but he knew I would have it. I always did.

I quickly turned over the pillow and saw another envelope taped onto it. YES! I tore it open quickly, the smile never leaving my face.

Hey Al,
Looks like you found my little clue in the other note. I knew you would. You always were the smartest girl I knew.
Anyway so I'm waiting for you, probably dying of sleep deprivation as you read this, but nevertheless I'm waiting. I'd wait forever for you.
But just telling you where I'm waiting would be no fun so I hope your pumped for a little scavenger hunt?
Clue One: Remember that day all those years ago when we made angels in the fluffy winter snow? That day was perfect and god it was fun, but your next clue lies there but this time it's in the sun.


I smiled once more as I read that note. He honestly was the sweetest boyfriend ever. I remember a few weeks ago I told him how much I loved scavenger hunts and god I can't believed he remembered.

I quickly got up from bed and raced around the room, desperate to find something appropriate to wear quickly. I finally decided on my favorite jean shorts and flannel before brushing out my hair, applying makeup so messily it probably looked like I got hit with a truck, and brushing my teeth.

I sped out of the house and down the street. Luckily this park was only a few blocks away so it didn't take to long to get there. As I arrived, I blushed heavily at the scene that sat before me. In an assortment of leaves Luke had wrote Alex on the ground, a neat envelope lying in the middle of the A. I quickly picked up the letter and sat down so I could read it.

Congrats on finding this letter and I hope you like my little artistic creation I made for you. I definitely got some weird looks making that one. But here's the second clue.

Clue Two: July 4th, 2013. Do I even have to tell you what that means?.

I shoved the letter in my pocket and raced down the street once more. On that day, a little over a year ago now, I made love to Luke for the first time. It was in some shit motel room but somehow, it was still the most romantic moment of my life.

The motel was once again only a few blocks away. Thank you Luke for not making me run across town.

I eventually made it there and went up to the desk in hopes of the manager knowing of Luke's plan....whatever it may be.

"Hello sir," I said, tapping my foot anxiously, "Did a Luke Hemmings stop by here by chance?"

"Are you Alex," he responded quickly, to which I nodded, "I have this for you." He handed me a letter and walked away so I could read it in private.

I really hope this letter gets to you because that manager dude seemed a little suspicious.
Clue Three:
This is the last clue so I guess I'll see you soon when you figure out where to be. So come find me in room 183 and I'll see you soon baby.

I nodded at the manager and raced up the flight of stairs....well the only flight of stairs considering this place was only two stories. I searched until I found it. Room 183. I timidly knocked and waited for someone to open up, preferably a hot blonde boy.

"Come in," I heard a voice say from the depths of the room. I smiled at that familiar accent and strode in, only to have my jaw drop in amazement at the sight in front of me.

"Hey babe," Luke said, kneeling on the ground. In his hand sat a velvet box, slightly open, with a bright ring inside.

"Luke," I asked in disbelief, still not believing this is actually happening.

"We've been dating for 5 years now," he began softly, "and I love you so so much. I've known I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you since the first date. We went to that movie and you were so entranced by it like it was the greatest thing you've ever seen. I don't remember much of the movie though. I was to busy watching you." He paused for a little, as if he was gauging my reaction, "So Alex will you marry me?"

"Hell yes," I shouted immediately, pulling Luke into a hug. He placed his lips on mine and that's how we stood for a while, only stopping so he could place the ring on my finger. After that ....well let's just say we reenacted July 4th, 2013.

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