4 Long Weeks (Ashton)

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This is for @mgclxfford
Hope you love it


It's been 4 weeks.

4 fucking long weeks.

"Denise," Ashton was currently yelling over the phone, his voice full of excitement.

"Hey Ash," I sighed. Don't get me wrong, I loved Ashton, as I did the rest of the boys, it was the fact that he was all the way in America right now.

"You okay babe," he asked, lowering his voice a few octaves.

"I just miss you," I whined, laying back on my couch, holding the phone to my ear.

"I miss you too," he replied softly, "but we'll see each other soon? Won't we?"

"I know babe," I sighed, "but I can't even handle 4 weeks, how am I supposed to handle 4 months?"

"I don't know. I've been a total wreck too, even the boys are getting annoyed with me."

"I just need to see you Ash. I need to," I mumbled, tears falling slowly.

"I have an idea," he suddenly screamed, "Why don't you come on tour with us? It would get the boys off my back and I could see you. We could be together. You don't even have to stay for the whole tour, just a week. Please?"

"Okay," I nodded, not that he could see it. I mean I don't really have friends here or family, it's not like anyone would miss me. The only people I knew here were Ashton and the other boys, so why not?

"Okay," he shouted, "so you'll come?"

"Do you need to ask the boys or something," I shouted happily. I was finally going to see him again. Finally.

"No they already know," he said, quieter this time.

"Why are you whispering and how do they know if you just came up with the idea," I asked, really confused by this point in the conversation.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door and I sighed, who the hell could that be, "Ash I'll be right back. Some ass is at the door, probably selling something."

"Go get it," he nodded, once again whispering, "I'll wait."

"Be right back," I said, jumping out of my seat and walking over to the door, unlocking it quickly.

"Hey," a familiar voice said awkwardly, laughing a little.

"ASHTON," I screamed, throwing my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his.

"I missed you so much," he mumbled quietly against my lips.

"Look I missed the girl too but for the love of god get a room," another voice shouted, this time more sarcastically.

"CALUM," I squealed, pulling away from Ashton and hugging him.

"Nice to see you too," he laughed, pulling away quickly. Ashton was a very jealous boy.

"Where are Michael and Luke," I asked, noticing the two missing from our little group.

"On the bus," Ashton replied, slinging an arm around my shoulder, "our people said it would he safer if they stayed back."

"Oh so you have people now," I laughed, falling back against him.

"Yes we do and they will get pissed if we don't get going," Calum interjected, stepping into the house.

"Let's go get you packed," Ashton cheered, racing down the hallway and to my room.

We packed quickly, for I didn't have a lot of things and raced out into a cab, which took us to the bus.

"I'm so excited," I squealed, falling onto Ashton once more.

"I am too," he laughed, kissing me softly.

"I'm in the cab too," Calum reminded us as we sped along the roads.

"He's right babe we should just start having sex right now," Ashton growled, winking at me.

"I swear to god I am not afraid to cut off your balls," Calum threatened, pushing Ashton off me.

Calum might have been against it but after hearing Ashton growl like that, I wouldn't be against it.

New plan: find somewhere for me and Ashton to get it on that won't make Calum uncomfortable.

I'm a girl with needs.

I laughed at Calum and Ashton as they argued playfully, the real epitome of friendship right there and I frankly was just happy to be apart of it.

We eventually reached our destination and quickly exited the cab

"Let's go," Ashton called, pulling me to the bus, climbing the steps quickly.

"DENISE," two voices screamed as I entered the bus.

"LUKE," I shouted, "MICHAEL!"

There was hugging and talking and laughing, all together a good time.

"I have one rule," Luke called. We were currently sitting in the back of the bus, the lounge area, "No sex on the bus."

"I already told them that," Calum laughed, "don't worry."

"We aren't that bad," Ashton laughed, pulling me closer.

"You guys are just two hornballs," Michael laughed, "you two deserve each other."

"Michael at least I can keep my hands off myself," Ashton countered.

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone," Michael yelled at Cal, punching his arm.

"Tell what," I asked innocently. I think I already knew but I just enjoy Mike struggle.

"Cal caught Michael jacking off the other day," Ash explained, causing me to fall into a fit of laughter.

"See she's find it funny," Luke laughed, giving me a high five.

"We get a whole month of this," I whispered, only loud enough that Ashton could hear.

"It'll be the best month yet," he whispered back, kissing my forehead.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," he answered happily.

These last four weeks were painful, the worst ones yet, but I think things have begun to look up.

Something's are just worth waiting for.

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