School Relationships (Mashton)

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A/N fair warning I wrote these a while ago and I have no idea why I said 'boss' so much in the Ashton one...just go with it ok? Oh and don't even ask me what happened with the Michael one...these are both super old so I don't even know! I also thought I should give you a happier story after that really sad one I recently posted! Thanks for reading!
Love you guys!

The amount of assholes I have encountered today is insane. I'm pretty sure everyone got together without me and just decided to be bitchy today. I got pushed so many times an no one even said a word. Like who does that?

The day finally ended however and I practically ran to the bus. I mean I was running around people like a boss. It takes skill to do that in a crowded school hallway. I guess there really was no point in running though. I mean considering I am going to be riding this bus for 30 minutes just to get to my house and I'm gonna have to wait 10 minutes for all the assholes to get on but whatever.

I pulled out my phone and plugged in my headphones as I silently prayed no one would sit next to me. I have no friends on my bus and I'd rather not sit next to a stranger for the next 30 minutes of my life. Luckily no one did and the bus doors closed. Every seat was practically filled so it was pretty astonishing no one sat next to me.

Suddenly the bus jolted to a stop and I cursed silently under my breath as another kid boarded the bus. He was semi attractive with the whole hipster thing he had going on. His hair was pushed back in a beanie and he had some very attractive nerd glasses. For you idiots who don't know what I'm talking about they are the big black glasses with square frames that make guys 100% more attractive. Well in most cases. I mean if you are naturally really ugly then a pair of nerd glasses will not help you. I mean they can only do so much.

Anyway this hipster guy jumped up the stairs and right down the aisle. I could see the bus driver glaring at him from the big ass mirror they have above their seats and I laughed. I mean this bus driver was fat and bald and he looked like a little kid who just got told he couldn't have any more candy. It was pretty damn funny.

The hipster kid searched for his non existent seat but soon found one. And guess where it was? Next to me cause you know I'm lucky like that. I tried to hold in my sigh (which is very hard to do I might add) and leaned farther into the window. God knows why I did that because its not like I'm going to magically fall through the bus doors and away from this kid but what the hell!

The kid slid into the seat next to me without even asking first. Everyone knows its common courtesy to ask if you can sit there! The nerve of some people.

"Hey," he said with a smile as if he was not being the biggest asshole on the planet.

"Hey," I mumbled awkwardly.

"What you listening to," he asked as he tried to catch a glance at my phone screen.

Creeper much?

I looked down at my screen quickly as I tried to think of what song to say. I was listening to a One Direction cover but I couldn't let him know that! I mean he will judge me. There is a freakin large chance he hates One Direction and even if he liked them it would force me to question his sexuality. I mean straight guys just don't like One Direction.

Tyler Oakley for example.

"Teenage Dirtbag," I said quickly praying that he wouldn't ask who sings it.

"Cool. Can I listen," he asked with a hopeful smile.

"Sure," I replied awkwardly before handing him the earphone.

Who the hell did this guy think he was? And more importantly was I letting a complete stranger listen to my music. One Direction at that! Well at least now I can figure out if he's gay or not.

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