School Dances (Luke)

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School dances.

The epitome of high school love. It's an awful thing to be honest. It just shoves the fact that I'll be forever alone in my face and it makes me sad and fat. The fatness coming from me devouring a carton of ice cream at home when no one has asked me. I don't have many friends.

This particular dance was the first one of the year, sort of a Welcome to High School for freshman and a We All Hate You Because Your Almost Done for seniors. The rest of us just went for the food.

I was currently sitting in class, watching everyone talk about who was going to who and what the it couple were doing. The it couple was comprised of the most popular kids in my grade, Ashton and Gemma, and everybody wanted to know every detail of their love life. It was quite creepy to be honest. Everybody also needed to know what they were wearing so they wouldn't get the same thing for that, would be the start of the apocalypse.

Ashton was an asshole, arrogant and rude in every way. His friends were all assholes too, except one. Luke Hemmings, one of Ashton's closest friends, was incredibly nice, shy, awkward, and probably the hottest human on Earth that wasn't a douche. Luke was in some sort of band thing with Ashton, along with his other friends, Calum and Michael. Calum was nice enough, but he was always with different girls, never up for commitment. Michael was more of an outcast then the others, but for some reason every girl still wanted him. I had no clue why, considering he barely ever spoke. Maybe it was the mystery of it all.

The one thing I didn't particularly hate about this dance was that when the boy asked the girl, it was always remarkably cute. Ashton asked Gemma but hanging a huge banner across the front of the school that read, "Wanna dance the night away with me?" The dude, despite the fact he was a prick, was an amazing boyfriend. If I didn't know better, I would love him too.

"Class settle down," the teacher yelled, causing all conversation to slowly fizzle out. Our teacher, Ms Lastrange, stumbled over to her desk and quickly began to write on the board. As her back was turned none other than Mr. Luke Hemmings himself, strolled into the classroom and say down quickly in the last seat available. The one directly next to me.

"Hey," he whispered, flashing me a smile that made my heart melt.

"Hey," I breathed quietly, as Ms. L began to speak.

"I have to ask you something," he began before being cut off by Ms. L.

"Am I interrupting something back there," she asked, smiling suggestively. Ms. L was like one of those nice old ladies who always thought every time two people of the opposite sex even made eye contact, they should get married. She was always trying to set us up. She was like the wing-man I didn't want or need.

"No sorry," I mumbled quickly before turning back to him and mouthing, "Talk later?"

He nodded and turned back to the front of the class, tapping his foot anxiously.

I waited for the class to end, wondering what on Earth Luke could have had to tell me. Maybe he wanted to ask me for notes for this class. Yea that's probably all it was. That's all it ever was.

Finally class ended and I walked out of class beside Luke awkwardly. He looked at me and smiled before taking my hand into his, "Come here!" I raced with him down the hallway and into a spare room.

"Okay what is it," I asked anxiously as I plopped into a nearby seat.

"I know we don't talk well like at all," he began nervously, "but that's just cause I'm to scared. I mean your smart, nice, funny, and really pretty and I wish I had more confidence but I don't."

I stood silent for a minute before finally saying, "Oh."

"And I've never been good at these things but here," he said quickly, shoving something into my hands. It was a box of chocolate with a bright note on it that read Will You Go To The Dance With Me?.

"Yes," I nodded frantically, "Yea I will."

"Really," he smiled happily, taking a step closer.

"But what about Ashton," I asked slowly, "and Gemma. Gemma hates me."

"Gemma hates everyone," he laughed, "Plus Ash isn't a bad guy. It's just how everyone makes him look, don't believe everything you hear Sarah."

"So wanna go eat some chocolate," I smiled, taking his hand carefully.

"I would love that," he replied with a smile.

Maybe school dances aren't so bad after all.

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