The Room

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"Ash," I whispered, my ears floating down to the miserable boy on the floor, "Are you okay?" He didn't answer me, his head still buried in his hands. Somewhere deep inside of me I knew he wasn't, but he refused to let me know. "Ash please just tell me your okay," I whispered once more, my voice seemingly lost in the spacious room we found ourselves in.

He didn't talk to me, didn't say a word, but his frame looked so innocent, so sad. I wanted to hug him, reach out to him, let him know I was there, but nothing I could do would help. Nothing at all.

He looked up from his hands, tears falling down his face in a fit of pain. My heart broke for the poor boy, tears beganing to flow from my eyes. His eyes were trained on the people in front of him, eyes still ashamed. In front of him stood a girl, not a name to her face, but Ashton seemed entranced by her presence. Her face was almost a blur, but then again maybe it was the tears.

The girl looked at him, her devilish eyes sparkling under the flourscent lights of the room. She smiled a devilish smile before speaking, each word more annunciated then the next, "You are a piece of trash Ashton. How can anyone think you and your band do anything for their fans. You should cut yourself you bitch."

Those words stuck a fire in my heart, my soul, my body, and I leaped into action. First I turned to Ashton, his eyes still trained on the girl, and whispered, "Don't listen Ash. You saved me. You are amazing and perfect. Don't listen to that bitch. I love you." Next I turned to the girl and took a breath, allowing myself to scream as loud as I could, "How could you say that? This boy is beautiful, amazing, and everything in between."

The girl smirked, a devilish glare forming in her eyes. She seemed unphased by what I said, almost as if she enjoyed my anger. I then turned to Ashton, his head still transfixed on the asshole in front of him. He took a shaky breath and whispered, "We do everything for our fans." He spoke nothing else, not a bad word leaving his mouth. The look of pain on his face was evident, but his head never turned to face me. It was almost as if he had not heard a word that I spoke.

Suddenly the room seemed to fill with people, screaming begun to fill the large space. The majority went back and forth from screaming loving, kind words Ashton's way, and viscious words towards the devilish girl. Ashton never heard the majority of the praise, only one or two reaching his ear. That's when another girl came up, cursing out Ashton as well. Tears were now flying down his face, but the two assholes in front of him didn't seem to notice.

The room silenced only when Ashton spoke once more, "Why can't people just be accepting of eachother. The world is filled with too much hate. We just need to all love eachother. Why is that so hard."

The surrounding girls spoke words of encouragement, encouraging Ashton on his words of wisdom. Wisdom that was far beyond his years. For some reason his gaze never left those two girls, only the painful words reaching his ears, because sometimes when you have a ten people telling you no, it's hard to hear the thousands telling you yes.

Ashton got up from his spot, walking across the wooden floor and leaving the room. Girls began to cry, yell, scream, and comfort eachother. It had become World War III with the girls in the center versing everyone else. The crazy thing being, the girls in the center kept questioning why they were getting hate. They didn't umderstand the pain they caused.

Days went by and memories of all this were thrown behind them. The boys entered the room occasionally, making jokes and talking about their fun times. Life was okay again. Girls laughed together, talked together, and were friends. Even those girls in the center were okay, making small talk with the rest of the room.

But eventually the sadness would be brought back. This time by other girls. They would criticize the boys, make them feel horrible, and tell them they deserve nothign. Calum, Luke, and Michael would maybe never respond to it, only making vague comments about being nice people. Calum would sometimes tell the girls to 'fuck off' causing all the others to cheer him on, but that was it.

It was only Ashton that really said anything, commented on the madness. He was the one that hurt the most, but deserved it least of all. All I know is that I love Ashton Irwin, for everything he is, everything he was, and everything he is going to be. I just wish he knew me, so I could tell him it was going to be all right. Tell him I would protect him through it all. But he didn't and he wouldn't. Sometimes they notice the hate, without noiticing the love and that sucks.

That room is a wonderful place, filled with friends and love, but it can also be terrible, filled with rumors and hate. That's the thing about the room, it demands to be complicated.

(A/N hey guys! So this refers to my recent feelings about twitter (which was the room in case you didn't know) and the haters and basically not feeling welcomed anymore. I joined the 5SOSfam because I felt appreciated, like I wouldn't be judged, but now it's exactly the opposite of what I wanted. It's exactly the opposite of what I needed.

So I hope those of you reading this will watch what you say on twitter because the boys, especially Ashton, tend to notice the hate a lot more. Even if its an opinion, decide whether you would want the boys reading it or not. You don't have to agree with them on everything, but you don't have to make your feelings public as well all the time.

I want to let you in on my own little motto of life: DONT BE AN ASSHOLE

have a good day and I love you all

P.S. Did anyone like my little TFIOS tribute at the end?)

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