Amnesia (Calum)

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Something that you feel for that one person. You feel as if they are your only reason for living, without them you wouldn't be able to live another second. They saved you when you didn't know you needed saving.


They say it heals everything. It heals pain of the body, mind, and heart. It's a random cumulation of numbers, none of which are necessary to survive. But for some reason they say time heals. But time can't heal everything.


Time can't heal the love I felt for you


"Calum just tell us what the fuck happened," Luke shouted through the door of my room, followed by impatient knocking.

"Come on Cal. We just wanna help," Ashton added, slamming on the door, begging me to open up.

They had been doing this for days, ever since I holed myself up in my room, refusing to speak or even leave. I had my mum bring me food and I only ever left to use the bathroom. Even then I sprinted in and sprinted out, not wanting anyone to catch me.

"Calum it's been a week," Michael groaned, shaking my door knob impatiently. I had locked it 5 days ago.

"Talking might make it okay again," Luke whispered, seemingly close to giving up.

I stood up shakily and walked over to the door. I was falling apart and I needed something, someone to understand what I was going through. Maybe this would be a start. I twisted the door knob, only to see the three boys walking away.

"Wait," I croaked, my voice hoarse after not speaking for nearly a week.

They all turned around and rushed towards me, Luke being the first one to speak, "Hey Cal."

"Can we talk," I whispered, looking desperately up to them.

"Sure bud," Ashton said cautiously, "Can we come in?"

I nodded blankly and walked into my room, leaving the door open only long enough for them to shuffle in. I sat on my bed and waited for then to get comfortable in my room before looking at them, waiting for them to speak first.

"What's wrong Cal," Ashton whispered from the foot of my bed, "You can tell us."

"We broke up," I cried, wiping the all to familiar tears away from my face.

"What? But I thought you were in love or going to get married or something," Luke yelled, obviously as surprised as I was when it happened.

"Me too," I whispered, "I loved her. I still do."

"What happened," Michael asked quickly.

"You know how I always ditched you guys every Friday, on the first of the month," I began slowly, continuing to look down.

"Yea," Ashton began, "you had that family thing or whatever it was. You always refused to go out with us because it was an 'obligation'."

"I was with her," I said, smiling faintly at the memory, "We didn't tell anyone because it was kind of our thing. It was almost to precious to share with anyone else."

"Where did you guys go that you couldn't take us," Michael scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Mike," Luke warned, slapping Michael over the head before turning to me, "So where did you go?"

"There was this cliff," I began, "that she always begged me to take her too. Her dad had told her about it, before he died. She told me it's where her dad proposed, she also said it's where love was born.
I always put it off because I mean that was a lot of pressure. I had to live up to her dead dads word on how amazingly spectacular this place was supposed to be. What if it wasn't perfect? She deserved perfect.
A few months later, the day of our one year anniversary, I finally took her up there. I went to her house and picked her up in this rusty old pick up truck that my dad let me borrow. It had a stash of blankets that he kept in there, for when he and mum felt like watching the stars. I also stole a bottle of whiskey from my dad, figuring it could fix things if anything went wrong.
So I blindfolded her and took her on this like hour long drive, up this insane mountain. We pulled up at the top and hell it was beautiful. Her dad was right, it was the most beautiful place in the world.
I parked the truck so the back of it was like facing towards the city that the cliff over looked. I helped her out of the car and helped her into the back where I had situated the blankets. She kept bugging me, asking when she could take off that stupid bandanna I put around her eyes.
I also got her this little silver necklace of a skyline. Kind of fit the mood ya know? So I set her all up and fasten the necklace around her neck before untying the bandanna.
God was she happy. Honestly it was that moment when I fell in love with her. She smiled so wide I swear her cheeks were about to pop. She looked back and kissed me before looking at the skyline again.
It was beautiful you guys. The lights were all shining and the city was lighting up beautifully. She told me it lit up just for us, so we could be happy. She always said that that place and that scene was for us and us only. That's why I never told you guys. It was for us and as stupid as it sounds, I just didn't want to share it with you."

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