I Like The One In The Band (Ash)

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This is for @JustPriya_

Hope you like!


"Hi," I said quietly, looking into the bright hazel eyes in front of me. The door was propped open, wind blowing through and we stood there, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

A smirk was evident on his face as he looked at me, his confidence coming off in waves. "Hey Priya," he said, holding his hand out for me to take, "you ready to go?"

"Uh sure," I said uncertainly. I took the boys hand and allowed him to pull me out into his car. That's when it hit me.

I was actually on a date with Ashton Irwin. The Ashton Irwin. Now you see, Ashton was in this fucking amazing band called 5 Seconds Of Summer. They were this small school band and no one was really accepting of the whole thing. They thought it was weird. My opinion was that they didn't give them a chance, which they totally should. The other boys were all good looking, now don't get me wrong, but Ashton was definitely the hottest. Despite no one really appreciating their music, they were one of the most sought after guys in school. Probably because they were hot as hell and really funny. So it was quite a shock when he asked me out.

"You okay," he asked as we drove down the road.

"Yea I'm fine," I answered quietly, looking at him once more. God he was gorgeous.

"So for our date I wanna take you somewhere a bit different. Is that okay," he asked nervously. Ashton Irwin nervous? That's something I thought I would never see.

"Different is good," I said with a smile before adding, "Wherever your taking us is fine."

"Awesome," he smiled, seemingly proud with himself.

We drove in silence for a bit more before pulling up to......a house? I followed Ashton out, confused as ever.

"See I heard you liked our band," he began as he pulled up the garage door, "and you are one of the only girls I know that likes our band."

"They just haven't given you guys a chance," I protested, following him into the garage.

"Anyway," he said, ignoring my statement, "I just figured you would enjoy a little band rehearsal."

I followed him into the basement, still confused but really excited. Ashton sat me down on the couch and walked away quickly, sitting down at a drum set. "Come on boys," Ashton called as he began to bang his drums.

Holy shit this was actually happening!

Calum, Luke, and Michael strode out playing their guitars like masters. They were all playing in synch and I would be lying if I said I wasn't extremely attracted to them.

"This is called Eighteen," Luke said as he began to strum, very roughly, on his guitar. Throughout the mini performance, Ashton kept winking at me and god it was hot. He didn't sing though, but his banging on the drums was enough.

The song ended eventually and Luke, Calum, and Michael nodded to me, saying quick hellos and telling Ash they would meet him later. Ashton wiped the sweat from his brow before walking over to me.

"You like," he asked happy, the adrenaline still pumping.

"That was amazing," I shrieked happily.

"It's a new song," he added, "so I'm glad you liked it."

"If you guys preformed in front of the school or something I'm sure you would have girls all over you."

"I don't want girls that didn't give us a chance when we started. Or that only care about me cause they find me attractive. I want a girl that likes my band and me for who I am."

"Well I do," I whispered quietly, looking at him sweetly.

"That's why I like you," he laughed and smirked before kissing me lightly, "And I'm sorry but in order to get the lads to preform for you tonight I told them we would hang out later. Would it be cool if I took you home?"

"Yea," I nodded, "just call me sometime?"

"Definitely," he nodded again.

He took me home and dropped me off, kissing me lightly as he did so. As we drove back we talked about our favorite bands and it was so much fun.

Girls should really learn to dig the guys in bands.

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