Promises (Luke)

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This is for @alwaysxhemmo

Hope it doesn't suck to much haha :-)


"Lucas get back here," the little girl squealed, racing after the smaller blonde boy, "Your promised me!"

"I was joking," he yelled over his shoulder, dodging a tree that had made it's way into his path, "Why would I ever wanna kiss a girl."
"Luke," she whined loudly before tackling him onto the ground, "You can't break a promise."

"Fine Mickey," he sighed, looking at the girl on top of him, "I wanna make you a new promise."

"What," she asked curiously, jumping off him, allowing him to sit up.

"I'll always protect you," he smiled, "I'll never let anyone hurt you."

"Luke," Mickey smiled back, "I promise that I'll never love anyone more than you."

"Eww," he cried, ruining the young love that was flourishing, "You can't love me."

"Why not," she pouted, crossing her arms over her chest angrily.

"Cause girls have cooties," he replied, as if it was the most logical explanation in the world, "I don't wanna get cooties."

"I don't have cooties," she protested, sticking her tongue out in defiance.

"Sure ya do," he nodded, "all girls do."

She nodded her head, letting that thought process for a while before grabbing Luke's head in between her hands and pecking his lips before pulling away, "Now you have cooties too."

"Ewwwww," he shrieked, jumping up and running. He ended up running to his house, which was right next to hers, and explaining to his mum what happened back at Mickey's. His mum simply laughed and kissed him on the head before telling him the most important words he would never forget, "You guys will end up together, mark my words. You were meant to be."

He didn't agree with her until years later. He was 17 and she was 16. They were in her backyard again, sitting on the grass, talking about nothing in particular. She was sat in his lap, playing mindlessly with his fingers, something she always tended to do. They weren't dating, in fact she had a boyfriend. She was dating his best friend, Ashton Irwin. Now Ashton was a cool guy, but man did Luke wish he was him. He also knew for a fact that he had drunkenly slept with someone at a party, then did it again while sober. He's a good friend but a shit boyfriend.

He had developed sort of a crush on Mickey, ever since freshman year. But when he had come to term with those feelings, she had gotten with Ashton. His luck wasn't particularly the best.

"Luke," she said suddenly, looking up at him, "I have to go meet Ashton. Talk later?"

"Why do you need to go to Ash," Luke asked quickly, not thinking about the suddenness of the question.

"We have plans," she said slowly, standing up, "What's your deal?"

He paused for a minute before looking at her, "Mickey we need to talk."

"Okay but can we do it later. I seriously need to get going," she replied slowly, standing up and dusting herself off.

"No. We need to talk now," he demanded, grabbing her wrist roughly, "It's about Ashton."

That made her stop, "What about him?"

"A few months ago he got drunk at some party," he began, sitting down slowly.

"Yes and he slept with some whore," she nodded, "he told me."

"He fucking told you,"Luke practically screamed, running his hand through his hair.

"Yea cause we tell each other everything," she nodded, "that's what you do in a quality relationship."

"Did he tell you about what happens a week later," he countered angrily, knowing Ash wouldn't be that honest.

"What happened," she asked, obviously not knowing what Luke was talking about.

"A week later he went to her house, to tell her off and ended up fucking her," he said simply.

"Your lying," she hissed, tears escaping her eyes.

"I wish I was," he whispered back, falling onto the ground.

"He wouldn't do that. Your just jealous," she argued, crossing her arms over her chest in defiance.

"Mickey listen to me," he hissed, "Remember when I told you I would protect you no matter what, this is what I meant. I'm protecting you from dating a douche, that's it."

"I need to talk to him," she cried, stomping out of her backyard and leaving Luke alone,.

Mickey did talk to Ashton, who admitted to cheating. Although the break up was a mess, Ashton did get a good song out of it. He called it Everything I Didn't Say, it was a good tune.

Mickey ended up going back to Luke and apologizing and after hours of talking, feelings were exposed. Luke admitted he like Mickey and and Mickey said he liked Luke. It was only a matter of time before they ended up together.

Luke was glad he kept that promise that day, and he hoped he would be able to keep it for the rest of his life.

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