Pizza (Michael)

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Hey this is for @troyler5lyf
I'm sorry this is so short but I don't write smut and there's only so many things you can do with pizza :)

Hope you enjoy it anyway!


"Michael Gordon Clifford you're a pig," I hissed, slapping the pale boy over the head as he shoved piece after piece of pizza into his mouth.

"Yea but I'm one of those cool pigs that can talk," he replied, looking up at me with a cheesy grin (and yes the pun was intended).

"You mean like in Charlotte's Web," I asked blankly, plopping onto the couch beside him.

"Yea," he mumbled through his third piece of pizza, "I'll be Charlotte."

"You've never seen that movie have you," I laughed, reaching over him in hopes of grabbing some food.

"Nope," he replied before swatting my hand away, "This is my food. You already had yours."

"Yea but my food was shit. Your food looks good," I argued, reaching over once again.

"Well that's not my problem," he replied shortly, taking another bite out his pizza.

"Your an asshole," I groaned, finally retracting my hand and slapping him again, "Just give me some damn pizza."

"Go order your own," he yelled, closing the box and glaring at me.

"They don't do deliveries this late dumb ass," I cried, looking at the clock which read 11:30 PM.

"Michael," I whined desperately as my stomach began to make inhumane noises.

"Rachael," he whined back, obviously to mock my desperation.

"I just want some damn food," I yelled, "I'll do anything!"

"Anything eh," he whispered suggestively, flashing me a wink.

"Your a pervert," I shot back before nodding, "but yes at this point I will do anything for food."

"Here," he nodded, giving me a slice of pizza, "After your done I'll be in my room. See ya there."

"I hate you Clifford," I mumbled, taking a bite of the delicious food.

"Love you too babe," he laughed before racing upstairs, leaving me alone to eat my food.

God the things I do for Pizza.

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